目前分類:花樣少年少女(2006-2008) (88)

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本報記者 陳宇浩/文  程瑞鑫/攝 


尊樺已滅燈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大洋新聞 時間: 2008-07-13 來源: 信息時報 作者: 馬婷 

之前拍《花樣少年少女》時,看到Ella把零散的劇本訂成一大本,他也依樣畫葫蘆。為怕翻閱不易,他還用電腦打字打出“英文大綱”,貼在劇本封面;大家笑 他那本厚厚的東西,不像劇本反像“課本”;拍《東方茱麗葉》時,他除了上正音班,還會到公司念報紙、劇本,功夫不負有心人,他現在的中文讀和講,已經進步很多。 

美事何時成  相對更喜歡Ella

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After 3 years in showbiz, I can say that it is really not easy for me! The duration is neither short nor long. However, this career has given me full of hardship along with touching and joyful moments! It has given me the chance to know so many of you and to let the people around this world get to know a very simple guy from a small country like Brunei... hahaa!

During the past 3 years, I have to admit that I experienced a lot and when I come to think of it, all these experiences happen not only from my hardship but from all the great opportunities and the support from all of you! From my 1st drama and Fahrenheit’s 1st album to my 3rd drama and Fahrenheit’s 2nd album and now my 1st movie and Fahrenheit’s Asia concert tour…Wow, its unbelievable! Honestly, I really do cherish every single moment and always hope to make myself better. I really don't know why I am giving myself all these pressure. It’s indescribable… 
maybe it's due to the huge sacrifice of parting with my family…
maybe it's the culture of this biz…
maybe it's the support from all of you…
maybe I am trying to challenge myself to do things I have always been always of doing! 
Whatever it is, I am really grateful to everyone who supported me all these while, many who influenced me and I have always told myself that I need to absorb as much as possible because everything that happens around us everyday is a lesson and learning experience. I always tell myself try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.

My debut movie is about to wrap up soon… Such a nice crew along the way and of course, I can now feel that I will miss each and every filming moment with all these wonderful people! Filming this movie has been the happiest decision I have made and though I don't know what the outcome will be... like what I've always said, I did my best so what’s important to me is the experience that I encounter and the challenge… I met many nice people, 2 directors who are unbelievably thoughtful and hard working and most important of all, I find great satisfaction in my work as an actor because I am willing to learn and they are very willing to teach…Marvelous! Michael Jordan once said "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." Hey Michael, I am listening! Hahaha :-)

Having traveled to various cities in China for the past 2 months, it has given me different feelings and memories. I realized that in many places there are still people who are living a very simple life… Maybe they live their whole life without shopping or entertainment... but still... they do spend time with their family, growing fruits and veges and even selling a big basket of strawberries for only RMB5! Hey, what's wrong with that? Are you able to adapt to this kind of life? Yes or No? Well, when you think of it... that's the life they had ever since they were born into this world. I did approach few and had a short chat with them and they are happy with their life…that's all that matters, isn’t it? It really proves that happiness can be very simple. It's actually up to you if u wants to be happy or not… For me, life in showbiz is very complicated but I guess I am lucky that I am from Brunei and I have always and will try to live a simple life because I think being simple is the key to happiness…Try it ☺ Fight for your happiness like a WARRIOR!
Well, I have been busy focusing on filming my debut movie for the past 2 months and…Tonnnnns of activities coming up and can't wait to meet all of you! YEAH, good good good..hahaa!!!

16 June ~ Beijing for Zespri Kiwi activity
17 June ~ Shanghai for Shanghai Film Festival
21 June ~ Taipei for Zespri Kiwi activity
12 - 14 July ~ Philippines for Romantic Princess promotion – OO, Andito na ako!!!
19 July ~ Kao Siong for Guerlain activity
26 July ~ Taipei for Guerlain activity
24 and 27 July ~ Taipei for Hotshot activity
28 and 29th July ~ Japan for Butterfly Lovers promotion
30 and 31 July ~ Korea for Romantic Princess promotion
2 Aug – Tai Chung for Guerlain activity

Quote to share: -

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but remember... it's never too late!"

"Anyone can start today and make a new ending." 

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Feb and March 2008 - Real busy month for me!!! I am not only an artist and businessman but also like a flight crew! My first destination was Malaysia where we promoted Romantic Princess… From Malaysia, we traveled to Singapore to promote Romantic Princess too! Had such a happy feeling seeing the large number of people supporting this drama…. Many turned up at our activities but unfortunately, the weather wasn't very nice as it was always raining! Felt so pity to many of you and hope no one fell sick! During the Malaysia trip, the food there really made me felt so close like home…Satay, Nasi Goreng Pattaya, Penang Kway Tiaw, etc. I was excited during the trip as I've always loved introducing local food to others, and this time to Eric and George... YUM YUM!!! 

In Singapore, I suddenly had a special feeling too! There was a point of time when I was down coz I recalled my stay in Singapore back then! To be honest, I really miss walking down the streets… the smell, the atmosphere and most importantly, the places where I used to go to! It somehow made me ‘Miss’ being a normal guy like everyone else! Good thing was I managed to go back to Brunei for 3 days… Again, I made good use of my time in Brunei and live everyday to the fullest... Family, Business and of course Food again… haha! On my way back to Taiwan, I had to make a transit in Singapore for 3 hours. Without hesitation, I decided to drop-by Orchard Road… had takeaways especially my favourite Hainanese Chicken Rice, PoPiah, Tau Suan and went for a quick window shopping around the city ☺ That 3 hours, I realized everything was so precious! Like what I used to say…Treasure/Cherish our everyday life and Never take things for granted! 

After that, we went to HK! My 1st overseas Drama promotion was Hanakimi and it was held in HK last year. I still remember how shocked and happy I was to see so many people and to most of them, it was our first interaction! This year… our Romantic Princess activity was at the same venue in HK and that really brought back a lot of memories…Its indeed a very touching feeling! 

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吳尊表示前晚已特別綵排練舞,問到饒佩君的性感舞衣是否令他很緊張,他說:「都不是的,只不過在那麼多人面前跳舞,感到有點緊張。」記者取笑他跳舞時大 汗淋漓,他解釋道:「我本身是容易出汗的人,加上之前拍節目要打泰拳,所以比較大汗。」初學華爾茲舞的吳尊表示有機會會再學跳舞,他說:「跳舞可以放鬆自 己,而且我在文萊的健身室也有跳舞室,不過跳華爾茲要跟女友或者太太跳,因為很多動作都太親密。」


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台灣的活動大部份已經快要結束了! 在過去這幾個禮拜,都常常見到大家,也試著去記得你們的臉或者甚至你的名字! 而且,你們也因為支持我們的活動而花了很多錢,包括機票,精力還有最寶貴的時間! 謝謝你們! 

其實,最開心是看到越來越多的你們…當我看到你們都能聚集在一起像一個家庭,或者像一班好朋友, 那是最讓我感動的! 我發覺你們已經知道為什麼你們要在這裡,不像之前那麼缺少紀律! 謝謝大家有聽工作人員的話!因為他們也是擔心我們會累,也擔心有時候你們會影響到我們的工作進度。好吧,我想大家都有進步,都變得比較成熟了,是吧??? 哈哈 


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Don't doubt… Of course I will drop by my blog during this most important day for all the Chinese people around the world!!! 

I cannot imagine how lucky I am to be able to spend Chinese New Year with my family here in Brunei! So lucky indeed… 

2 months ago… Management mentioned that I might not be able to go back as they probably would arrange work during the Lunar New Year! SIGH!!! 

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Its been 16 months since our 1st album were released! I could still remember no one really knew I was part of Fahrenheit back then :-) But with all our 2 years great effort, we are glad that most people now know about Fahrenheit and of course thanks to all the huge support from so many of you around the globe that made Fahrenheit where we stand today!

Our album promotional trip in Mainland China can be regarded as a happy and also a sad one! First, very Happy indeed seeing so many new and regular faces whether it’s the media or all our supporters :-) But Sadness came the moment when we gotta leave... In fact, I totally understand why some of you even cried coz we hardly see each other and have to be apart in such a short stay! Its sad but at least we met right? I will definitely try to talk to my company so we will be given more opportunity to travel around the world in 2008 and meet you guys up, ok?

2008 Concert – Good News! It was surprising at our HK press conference when we heard from our directors that our very 1st Asia tour concert would be held this year! It's a dream come true coz besides the singing part, I have always thought of how I want our 1st concert performance to look like! You might think it’s still a long way to go but due of our busy schedule, we need to plan early and I am also anticipating to discuss my ideas with my company… I’ve got lots of ideas and if they are all achievable, I am sure our 1st concert performance would be an exciting one… haha! Day dreaming again…

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回想2007所發生的一切,真的是一個讓我不可思意的一年啊! 我的心從沒停止跳動過,我的腦也很少休息過,我也一直嘗試不一樣的東西…WOW! 完全是一個讓我很驚慌的一年,但是我從來沒有後悔過。雖然我一直很幸運但是我也真的犧牲掉很多,也一直盡我的能力做到最好! 大家一路已來的支持,真的讓我走過來了,謝謝! 

每年,我常常會鼓勵我身邊的人一定要有新年新計劃 如果你記得的話,我去年在我網誌也曾經提到說你們要花10分鐘想想新的一年裡你有什麼夢想要去實現…所以,如果你現認真的想…2007年你是不是沒有留下遺憾呢,還是其實你發現如果你付出更多,你的成就一定會比現在好呢? 

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Sob sob sob… Romantic Princess has finally come to an last week! Will u guys miss Nan Fong Jin??? Well…Here, I want to thank so many of you once again for supporting this drama… I could still remember telling myself last year that it’s really not easy for a drama to come out big! I am such a lucky fellow huh!!! Hanakimi and Romantic Princess came out very successful this year and this is really an achievement for all the crew who’ve put in so much effort! Now that RP has finished airing, Hanakimi is back on replay again... I guess it’s hard for you guys not to see me right… haha! Furthermore, after 16 months of long wait, Fahrenheit’s 2nd album ‘2FACE’ will soon be ready to excite you guys again! Lots of activities and you will be seeing more of Fahrenheit on TV and magazines! Well, get yourself ready for it ok :-) 

Sanya, Hainan Island - Again, another country that feels like Brunei! Life is relatively simple at Sanya! Lots of local fruit, also available in Brunei, which somehow looked funny to my fellow colleagues from Taiwan… haha! Also, Hainan Chicken rice has always been one of my favourite dishes and I thought I could get to taste an original one during the trip but guess what??? It was invented in Singapore! Thanks to this trip that made me know this fact! Actually, every trip, endorsement and the things we do whether big or small, successful or not have been an accomplishment to me because I really learn a lot! Being in showbiz, it has opened my eyes to see things I could never have imagined… Still, I cannot believe myself being an artiste now… haha! 

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真的很不可思議! 從一個像你們一樣的平凡人到我的生日能夠得到來自世界各地的你們的祝福和陪伴…WOW! 的確是我的大日子。我相信我媽媽一定會為我感到開心! 當然,我知道她一定也不希望我在這麼有壓力的環境中工作…不過,我相信我是OK的因為她已經教了我怎樣成為一個獨立的人,也教會了我如何好好照顧自己 

說真的,如果沒有你們,我當然不會有這麼大的動力和信心! 我相信在我的演藝生涯裡,我從一開始就非常幸運,但是我也真的在每一個工作上都付出200%的用心和努力! 我一定會一直進步的,因為每當我嘗試新的工作時,你們都會給我鼓勵和信心☺ 我喜歡在生活中不斷吸收新的經驗,我也相信我未來會有更多機會去嘗試不一樣的事情…我也許一開始不會是完美的,但每個初學者都一定會有犯錯的時候,才會有進步,right? 最重要的是,我真的很幸運有你們給我那麼多機會,我也知道這些日子以來你們都一直給我支持和鼓勵! 反過來,你們也一樣會有我的支持和鼓勵喔,好嗎? 我希望這種感覺可以一直持續下去:-)

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這些日子以來, 我覺得很感動。也明白不論結果是怎樣,只要我們盡力了,那就足夠了! 當然,對於第一集的高收視率,我真的很滿意,也很開心我們收視是第一名! 這其實是大家的功勞,由其是一直努力工作的所有幕後工作人員! 我希望公主小妹可以再一次成為台灣的驕傲,也希望可以變得更受歡迎,不論是在台灣還是在世界各地! 其實導演和製作人真的做了很大的努力讓整個故事變得比漫畫更有趣…還有,後期部份,包括音效啦,宣傳啦,大家都很努力…我非常有信心也很開心公主小妹的所有事情都進行得很順利,更開心現在可以跟你們分享這部戲! 感謝所有為這部戲努力過的人,也感謝所有支持我們的影迷 

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從沒想過這麼快就到了韓國! 我本來還以為我沒有機會可以面對面跟我韓國的支持者在韓國見面,結果WOW,這實在太不可思議了! 我想就跟我一樣吧… 我從來也沒想自己會變成藝人結果我真的變成藝人了! 生命真的充滿太多驚喜了,有好的事情,也有不好的事情,所以我們才必須珍惜每一天,活到最好! 

獎項﹖對一個新人來說,我真的很幸運有這個機會在韓國走星光大道! 在這麼多世界各地的電視劇中,我們演出的劇集有機會提名,對全部的工作人員…實在是一個很大的成就啦。我不敢說它是一個很完美的戲劇,但是我可以驕傲的說,它是一部值得觀賞和值得推薦的戲劇。最重要的是,參與這部戲的每個人都盡了最大的努力去完成它! 也證明了,雖然台灣和韓國的語言不一樣,但是戲劇的力量,可以讓語言的距離消失了! 整個韓國的旅程是非常開心的,而且又看到各國的支持者彼此認識以後,我們的家族也變得越來越大了…真好:-) 

還有, 我曾經在我的網誌裡面提到的8/4湖南的行程在最後一刻臨時被取消了, 我想跟大家說不好意思。但是我還是很希望可以再有機會去宣傳東方茱麗葉。東方茱麗葉在內地有了第一名的收視率,對我來說,真的是一個非常大的好消息啦。這是我第一部戲,而且整個演出的經驗可說是我最困難的一次,因為我當時完全是一個新人,也什麼都不懂。不過,經過很多工作人員的幫助和指導,我學習了很多很多,然後也從困難的經驗變成今天這個更堅強的吳尊! 有一句話是這麼說的,可以失望,但是一定不要絕望,不是嗎? 

我知道很多人已經看過了公主小妹的預告!我相信這部戲也能帶給你和你家人歡笑和快樂。 我已經很久沒有跟大家在 戲劇的活動見面了…其實我很喜歡在 戲劇的活動跟因為可以跟你們有更多的互動! 接下來會有很多戲劇的宣傳活動喔:-) 是不是好消息? 我已經等不及要和你們見面了,跟你們聊拍戲的過程! 公主小妹將在9/16中視(第10台) 開始播映了。然後我們的第一個見面活動是在9/9的高雄和台中!! 而且接下來的15號,16號,22號,23號,也同樣有活動喔。也不要忘了9/8在台中和台南也有終極一家原聲帶的簽名會喔。我相信一定會很好玩的。所以一定要來喔,好不好﹖ 

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My greatest ‘Gratitude’ to everyone for the success of the opening of Fitness Zone 2nd branch! 

Whether it’s my supporters and media who came all the way from overseas, my friends, family or even those who couldn’t make it there, I am more than thankful for all the best wishes!

For those made it there, I know you guys put in great effort to be part of this big day of mine. Of course, I won’t be mentioning all of your sacrifices because I know its more than anyone can imagine but I am really glad that most of you had a great memory in Brunei :-) 

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我真的很開心花樣少年少女在韓國的一個亞洲電影獎裡被提名最受歡迎的戲劇而且WOW……我們有可能在8月低有機會去韓國喔。我這幾天有重新看了這部戲,也想了很多美好的回憶。有關這部戲怎麼完成的回憶,有關所有花樣的宣傳活動的回憶,最重要的是,和你們之間的互動,你們對我們的支持的所有回憶! 忽然覺得很感動,也相信感動到的不只是我自己,也感動了幕後所有所有跟我們一起努力的工作人員!!!


最後,我終於演完了我的新戲 ‘公主小妹’ 啦! 感到十分開心但是也同時,感到一點傷心因為這部戲在兩個月就拍完了! 雖然時間真的很短,但是每個人都非常團結,也在短短的時間裡相處得非常愈快,也一起努力地把戲拍完,希望將來這部戲可以有好成績! 當然,雖然大家有時候還是會見面但是不可能再像那時候一樣,想到這裡就有點難過! 其實,我拍這部戲得到了跟過去拍過的戲都不一樣的經驗。整個故事,我的角色,導演的風格,和每一個細節都不一樣!!! WOW…我只能說我自己也等不及想看最後剪好的,將會在9月9號播出的這部戲!!! 興奮嗎﹖哈哈! 時間到了我自然就會跟你們說更多有關 ‘公主小妹’ 的一切啦,好不好:-) 

這個八月,對我來說應該會過得很充時,因為我要回去汶萊辦我第二間健身房的開幕啦! 哇,對我來說又是另一個挑戰。我知道我會變得更忙,要讓自己可以跟上整個健身事業的腳步,尤其是我很久沒有直接管理了,但是我喜歡這種挑戰! 我也會把握這個機會好好跟家人和朋友相聚,就把它當作是一個還沒進入showbiz的生活吧。我也很開心和感謝公司在這麼忙碌的通告中讓我回家! 

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首先,我知道大家都很擔心我的眼睛,對嗎﹖好啦,我現在感覺已經好多了! 醫生說我康復的速度就好像火箭一樣,所以我只需要多一點時間休息 …不要擔心啦,ok? 老實說,雖然只有一天的時間在香港,但是我很開心。我做了好多事情…吃了好多美食,見見好朋友,像一個普通人在街上走(雖然我常常被路人認出來),整個感覺真的很棒。 

其實,去香港是一個非常臨時的決定,因為拍戲的部份暫時取消了。 而我又很想念以前我在香港逛街的日子 ,真的很好玩…哈哈! 不幸的是, 眼睛受傷卻破壞了這趟原來我很享受的旅程,,我甚至想過我會不會瞎掉啊! 我有想到如果我眼睛瞎掉的話,我就會退出演藝圈,當時我真的很難過也其實很害怕! 不過,這個經驗讓我上了一課, 更提醒了我眼睛是多麼的重要 。所以我也要跟大家說,一定要好好愛護自己的眼睛喔,好嗎﹖ 

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我已經有3年的時間沒有去馬來西亞了,但是這次是我當藝人後第一次到馬來西亞。雖然沒有之前的那種自由,但是從我抵達機場到我離開的最後那一刻,我還是非常享受整個過程! 在這國家看到各種族的人讓我覺得很棒,也讓我有種回到汶萊的感覺。

真的被被嚇到了☺ 這一趟馬來西亞之旅,我也感到非常開心﹐很驚喜,也很感動! 我從來沒有想過會有那麼多人來參加我們的活動。當我聽說馬來西亞已經很久沒有出現過那麼多人潮的簽唱會的時候,我的心裡是非常感動的!

其實還沒來到馬來西亞之前,我比較少聽見馬來西亞的人對我的反應…是有但並不多!可能因為花樣還沒在馬來西亞播出,所以我必須承認其實我有一點擔心會來參加我們活動的人數,但是事實證明我真的想太多了☺ 除此之外,我也很開心看到許多鄰國的支持者也來了…我要跟你們說一聲最大的感謝,辛苦大家了!

我相信你們,包括工作人員,在整個活動上,因為天氣那麼熱,場地又那麼擁擠,一定會覺得很辛苦。我可以想像到你們有多辛苦! 唉! 我也不知道可以怎樣﹖對每個人來說一定很累,但是我真的希望我有做好我的本份,讓每個人都有美好的回憶和時光! 

最後, 雖然我們之間有小小的距離,我真的希望可以再次去馬來西亞跟大家見面啦,好嗎﹖﹖﹖



It has been 3 years since my last trip to Malaysia but it was my first time going there as an Artiste. Although I didn’t have the freedom like before, I totally enjoyed the feeling from the moment I arrived at the airport till departure! It is so wonderful to see so many people of different race as it really made me feel like home (Brunei). 

It was totally shocking for me… I’m really happy, surprised and touched during this trip to Malaysia! I never imagined that so many people would turn up at our activity… When I heard that it’s been a long time Malaysia merely has autograph signing activities with this kind of crowd, it really touched my heart!

Actually prior to going to Malaysia, I seldom get many response from supporters in Malaysia as Hanakimi hasn't been broadcasted there yet so I have to admit that I was a bit worried there wouldn’t be a big crowd during this activity but I guess I really think too much! J Besides that, I’m glad to see many supporters from neighboring countries too... My utmost sincere gratitude to all of you!

I believe all of you including the crew must have a hard time during the activity due to the hot weather and the venue being so packed… I can imagine how uncomfortable it was! Sigh… What can I say? It must be very tough for everyone but I really hope I did do my part to make sure you guys had a great time filled with great memories! 

Lastly, Although we are miles apart, I really hope to visit Malaysia very soon to meet you guys again, OK???

Quote to share: -
He who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything!

Chun says, “Stay healthy and keep your hope ALIVE!”

Lots of love,


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由台灣兩大人氣組合 S.H.E的和飛輪海的成員:Ella,吳尊主演的青春浪漫喜劇“花樣少年少女”在華娛衛視獨家播出後走勢凌厲,收視一路飄紅。為了答謝觀眾支持,劇中男主角吳尊於 4月7日到達廣州,出席由華娛衛視主辦,廣東電台音樂之聲聯合主辦的“”花樣少年少女“華娛廣州熱播會”,與影迷進行親密接觸。 



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我們用了前兩天來拍廣告然後接下來兩天我留下繼續拍攝! 整個行程,我總共只睡了12小時,而且我的熊貓眼明顯到戶外拍攝的時候,我都沒辦法張開眼睛…哈哈! 這真的很辛苦但是也很好笑! 前2天有我的3個好兄弟陪伴我,這真的是已經很久我們沒有這樣長時間這樣一起一邊工作一邊玩樂了…感覺真好:-)

行程的最後兩天,除了累,其實我也覺得很興奮因為我們去了很多旅遊景點! 雖然我的3個兄弟沒有跟我一起,但是有很多支持我的人一路跟著我們,給了我力量和快樂。其實我覺得你們要陪我們是OK的但一定要知道什麼事情是可以做,什麼事情不可以做就好了。我知道你們花了很多錢,所以最重要的是可以看到你們開心和享受美好的時光,不然我就不希望你們這樣跟著我們因為會感到不好受和自責,知道嗎?

還有還有 ,我要跟那些購買我代言的Nikken小林眼鏡的人說大大的感謝。我很開心聽到一些消息說很多小林眼鏡店都已經賣到斷貨了…哈哈!

這個月底,我就要去MEDAN開我們小型的演唱會啦! 這是我第一次去那邊,我期待可以在MEDAN跟喜歡我們的支持者見面啦…好期待!!!

最近,我都有聽到一些批評有關一些出席我們活動的歌迷的態度 - 我不確定事實是怎樣,但是我覺得不管怎樣還是要有一點保留啦 - 不要隨意批評別人…要對自己的安全和別人的安全負責任…不要八卦其他藝人的是非…還有要記得遵守規則喔,好嗎﹖我真的會為你們感到驕傲如果你們都能做到,而且我相信你們是可以做到的!

最後,想跟大家分享一下! 記得我還小的時候,我媽媽常常跟我說要多做慈善,而她也常常用我或哥哥還是姐姐的名義去捐錢幫助需要幫助的人。她也是世界展望會的貧窮的小孩的支持者! 她過世以後,我們3個也代替她繼續她的精神去幫助那些小孩。我覺得可以幫助需要幫助的人真的是很棒的事, 不是嗎?

這個世界上有太多慈善團體了就像世界展望會,紅十字學會,等等,我們也可以很容意的通過上網來幫這些人。如果我們有能力負擔,為什麼不做呢? 其實也不一定是捐錢,捐舊衣,捐血,等等,都是一種幫助他們的方式。所以其實你們如果有機會的話可以組團發起這種活動,這不是很有意義嗎﹖



English version

Went to Kenting last week…

Well, the 4 days there was indeed a GREAT experience for me because it’s always fun for me to work in a place where I’ve never been to!

We spent the first 2 days shooting our new Ad and the remaining 2 days, I stayed back taking pics! Throughout the trip, I only slept for a total of 12 hours in 4 days and my panda eyes got so obvious that I could hardly open them during outdoor shots… haha! It was really tough but still fun! For the first 2 days, my 3 brothers accompanied me and it has been such a long time we had so much fun together :-) 

During the last 2 days for the trip, despite being so tired, I was still feeling great coz we went to many nice tourist spots where I took many pics! Though my 3 brothers were not with me, there were many supporters following us wherever we went and these people really gave me full of energy and happiness. Actually, it’s ok for you guys to follow us around as long as you know what should and should not be done… nothing else matters! Most importantly, I know you guys spent a lot of money so I wish to see all of you enjoying yourselves and have a great time too or else I will feel uneasy and guilty, ok?

Also, a BIG thank you to many of you who’ve bought the Nikken glasses that I endorse and I’m glad to know that it’s out of stock at most Kobayashi stores now… haha!

At the end of this month, we’ll be going to Medan for our mini concert! This is my first time going there and again, I’m really glad to have the opportunity to meet all of our supporters from Medan and also those who flew in from other countries… Excited!!!

Recently, I came to know about the complaints of the attitude of some supporters who joined our activities – I’m not sure whether its true or not but I think there are some limitations that we should be aware of - Never Criticize others… Be very careful with your own and everyone’s safety… Don't gossip about negative stuff of other artistes… And remember to Obey the rules and regulations, ok? I will definitely be very proud of all of you if you guys can make it and I am sure you can! 

Lastly, just wanna share something with you guys! During my teenage life, my mum used to tell me to do charities and donations if we have the opportunity to do so and she always made use of me and my siblings’ names when donating money to the poor ones. She was also a supporter for some poor children from other countries through World Vision! After she passed away, my siblings and I took her responsibility and continued supporting them and I think it’s really GREAT for us to do something for people who are really in need of our help, isn’t it?

There are many charity organizations in this world such as World Vision, Red Cross, etc and we can easily donate online. If we can afford it, why not right? It doesn't need to be money… Donating unwanted clothing, blood, etc. are ways of helping them lead a better healthier life. Maybe you guys could form a group and group-up to form a charity campaign when you guys think the time is right, ok?

Last of all, stay healthy and consume more fruits and H2O, ok? :-)

Quote to share:
Do good things whenever the  opportunity comes. When the opportunity is gone, try as we may but it might be too late.

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雖然花樣在台灣已經播完了讓我有一點小難過,但是我知道在其他地區, 還有華視8點檔 ,才剛剛要上映。我知道很多人已經都看完了整集,但是,好的戲劇是值得一看再看,只要看戲的過程是享受的,不是嗎﹖在這裡,我想借這個機會跟所有支持這部戲的朋友們說最大聲的感謝。老實說,這部戲劇真的給了我更高的知名度,而你們給我的支持其實給了我很大很大的自信心﹗再說,不管我們舉辦什麼宣傳活動,媒體朋友們真的很幫助我們,常常在雜誌和報章上報導很大的版面有關這部戲的種種一切…真的很幸運:-) 我答應你們未來我一定努力做到最好,我也希望當我需要你們的支持的時候,你們可以一直給我支持,好嗎﹖

其時, 我不知道為什麼但是每次我有通告,不管是在活動還是機場,我看你們的最後一眼都真的很捨不得。我知道也許你們的情緒會很激動因為我們很難得才可以見面,但是請一定要注意自己的安全喔,好不好﹖我覺得很不舒服,當我知道你們大多數人都是排了好幾十個小時的隊,你們真的很了不起只為了表示支持我們,偏偏時間的關係我們只能有短短的互動﹗這就是我為什麼很珍惜這類活動的原因﹗我每次都希望可以給你們最好的表現,讓你們開心,我也希望我從來沒有讓你們失望過:﹣)


還有一件事情…我知道我的留言板時常爆滿! 這個事情已經引起有些人的不開心,因為很多人都沒有辦法留言給我。我真的要跟大家說很抱歉! 老實說,我真的沒有時間都把你們的留言全都看完,因為就算我每一天刪掉500封舊的留言,在幾個小時的時間裡,我的留言板就會馬上就爆了。不管怎樣,我還是要謝謝那些教我怎麼處理這個問題的人…我會盡力去看的,好嗎﹖


By the way,我曾在‘my吳尊’奇摩家族留言提到我希望保留自己的一點隱私,但是最近,我發現有人試著去打聽我住的地方,甚至有人跟蹤我回家。我真的希望所有愛我和我愛的支持者們可以尊重我的隱私權,因為我本來就是一個喜歡自由的人, 很喜歡到出亂走。可是當我進入演藝圈之後,我犧牲了很多,尤其是我失去很多的自由,因此我現在最想要的就是擁有一個家 : 一個完全屬於我自己的空間﹗謝謝你們可以體諒我,我會很珍惜你們這份心意的﹗

Last but not least,自從我從汶萊回來以後我才發現台灣的天氣真的越來越可怕哈哈。幾乎每一天都在下雨,而我也很久沒有感覺到太陽了…我真的很討厭這種天氣,再加上身邊很多朋友都因為這種壞天氣而生病了﹗我真的很想念汶萊溫暖又陽光的好天氣啦﹗無論如何,我希望你們要好好照顧自己,也要記得多喝水和多吃水果喔,ok﹖



English Version

First of all, wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day ☺ Guess what??? It's my first time celebrating this special day because we don't have this kind of celebration in my country ☺

It’s sad that Hanakimi has finally come to an end in Taiwan but in some countries, it's still airing. I know a lot of people have finished the whole episodes but no matter what, a good Drama can be watched as many times as you like as it can still be as enjoying, right? Here, I would like to take this opportunity to give my biggest THANKS to everyone who have supported this drama. Honestly, this drama has brought me to another level of publicity and the support from you guys gave me so much confidence! Also, whenever we have promotional activities, the media really helped us a lot in terms of exposure such as publishing our news widely in mags and newspapers… So lucky indeed :-) I promise all of you that I will do my very best in all my future projects and I hope I will still be receiving all of your support whenever I need, ok?

By the way, I’m not sure why but every time when there are promotional activities, my last eye contact with you guys either at the end of the activity or upon departure at the airport was always very unbearable. I can understand that you guys were in a frenzy because we hardly got the chance to see each other but please look after your safety, ok! I felt really bad when I know many of you actually queued up for many hours and I know its really tough on you guys because all that you want to show us are your support and sometimes, we could only interact for a while! That's one of the reasons why I’ve always treasured every moment in activities like these! I’ve always hoped to give my best performance to make all of you happy and I hope I’ve never disappointed you guys!

Also, I really have to thank all the staff and securities for their huge effort in taking such a good care of all of us during our promotional activities in HK… I felt really bad because they had a hard time keeping us safely from the crowds so I really hope things will get better next time… promise me, ok?

One more thing… I know some of you may be very irritated by the fact that my guestbook is always full and I know you guys are not able to leave messages. I really want to apologize to all of you! Honestly, I really don't have enough time to read all of the messages because whenever I delete 500 per day, in just a few hours time, it’ll be full again. Anyhow, I still wanna thank those who have given me tips on how to solve this problem… I will try my best to read them, ok?

Recently, we’re involved with many promotions for the Japanese market as our drama will be airing in Japan soon. We’ve been taking photo shoots and participating in their TV programs… and hopefully, we’ll have the chance to go to Japan later this year! I’ve started learning Japanese recently and though its not easy for me, I will try my best to learn little by little each day :-)

Previously, I did mention in ‘mywuzun’ Yahoo Forum that I hope to have some privacy of my own but recently, I noticed there are people trying to find out where I live and some even followed me home. I really hope that all my beloved supporters could respect my privacy because I am actually the kind of person who really loves freedom but ever since entering showbiz, I really sacrificed a lot and at the same time, lost most of my freedom so what I hope for now is at least to have a home: a space that fully belongs to me! THANK YOU all for your kind understanding and I really appreciate it!

Last but not least, the weather in Taiwan has been really terrible ever since I got back from Brunei. It rains almost everyday and I hardly have the chance to feel the sun shining on me… I really hate it and most of my surrounding friends got sick due to this terrible weather! I really miss the warm and sunny weather in Brunei! Anyway, I hope you guys take good care of yourselves and remember to consume plenty of water and eat lots of fruits, ok?

Quote to share: ‘The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything!’

So guys… don't be afraid of making mistakes but ‘Remember’ to learn from mistakes!


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