目前分類:花樣少年少女(2006-2008) (88)

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如果沒有,也不要傷心,因為我已經買了一束tulips,當作我對你們最真心的感激。我也很開心能夠借這裡祝福大家情人節快樂! 在我現在這段人生裡,你們就是我的全部啦! 所以我決定跟你們表達我的愛意,在這個特別的日子裡…吳尊想說:“祝大家情人節快樂,我愛你們…你們就當我的情人吧…哈哈!!! ”:-) 

當然,如果你一直以來都沒有勇氣向你的家人表達愛意,今天就是你跟他們表達愛的時候啦! 一句貼心的話,一個擁抱,一個親吻,一封簡訊,一張卡片,一份禮物,一個小小的觸碰,這些都可以是你向你最愛的人表達愛意的方式! 相信我吧…這樣做絕對是沒有錯的因為你不會知道什麼時候你可能就失去了這樣一個表達的機會啊…因此,你還在等什麼呢??? 現在就行動吧…拿起你的電話馬上聯絡需要你的“愛和關懷”的人吧!!!

還有一件事情…我昨天才剛回到汶萊,而且我回家這天剛好是我哥哥可愛的小女兒出生的這天,真的是太棒啦!!! 所以到現在,我已經是三個侄兒女的叔叔啦,真的覺得自己變老了…哈哈!!! 我回家之前,我曾去逛街為我三個小侄兒女購買禮物…人家都以為我是在為自己的孩子買衣服呢,感覺真的很害羞但是很有趣…哈哈!! 我相信等到一天我終於可以為自己的小孩子買禮物的時候,對我的人生來說就是一個幸福的經驗,因為我真的很喜歡小孩子!!!

給你一個健康小貼示-我一路以來都很愛吃優酪乳,也從我的大學生活開始就養成喝牛奶和優酪乳的習慣…優酪乳是對我們消化系統很有營養的食品喔! 不管你是要減肥,或是要健康的皮膚,或是要強壯的牙齒和強壯的骨骼尤其你年紀變老後,優酪乳就是你最佳的選擇啦! 如果你還沒試過,現在就來養成這個習慣啦!!! 


Enlgish Version

(Actually, this message is supposed to be posted during Valentine’s Day but unfortunately, Wretch site is under construction)

WOW... It's Valentine's Day today!!! 

Do you have a partner to celebrate with? Have you received any Valentine's Day gift?

IF NOT… don’t be sad coz here’s a bouquet of Tulips as my sincere thanks to all of you!!! I’m indeed very happy to be able to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Happy Valentine's Day via my blog! You guys are my ‘everything’ in my life now and I think I should express my love to all of you during this special day... Here’s what Wu Chun wants say to all of you: "Happy Valentine's Day and I LOVE YOU GUYS... Wanna be my Valentine’s Day partner???" ☺

By the way, if you are someone who’s always shy to show your love to your loved ones, today is the day for you to express all your love ok! A caring word, a hug, a kiss, a message, a card, a gift, a simple touch is all you need to show your sincerity to your loved ones! Trust me... there’s nothing wrong and its never too late to show your love as you never know when the opportunity will be taken away from you, right? So, what are you waiting for??? Do it now... Grab your phone and start messaging those who need your 'Love and Care' NOW!!!

One more thing... I just got back to Brunei yesterday and the feeling was GREAT as my sis-in-law gave birth to a cute baby girl on the day I got back!!! What a coincidence, right? Right now, I’m an uncle for 3 nieces and nephew and it seems like I’m getting older and older... haha! Before coming back to Brunei, I went shopping alone and bought NEW YEAR clothing for my 3 little nieces and nephew and wow... some people even thought I was buying for my own kids and it was embarrassing but funny though... haha! I believe when the moment of me buying clothes for my kids comes, it will be a very fortunate experience for me as I really love kids!!!

A Healthy Tip for all of you – I’ve always loved eating Yoghurt and drinking milk since my University life in Australia... Yoghurt has very good nutrients for our digestive systems! Whether you want to lose weight, want a healthy looking skin, want to have a strong teeth or bone structure when you get old, this is what you need in your everyday life! If you haven’t tried it, why not give it a try now??? It’s never too late...

Quote to Share
If you don’t treasure what you have now, you will regret when it’s gone because time will never turn back!


尊樺已滅燈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


我們去了新加坡也參加了很多活動…例如宣傳Fahrenheit的專輯,還有宣傳將在這個月在新加坡上映的花樣少年少女! 雖然你們大部份已經看了,但是我要跟你們說喔,從電視上看和從電腦熒幕看是完全不一樣的喔,所以你必須再看一次喔,好不好﹖哈哈 ﹗最重要的是,我們要再次向師姐“S.H.E” 說一聲謝謝,因為再次給了我們機會當她們新加坡演唱會的特別嘉賓!

在整個新加坡的各種活動上,老實說我從沒想過會有那麼多supporters! 真的是難以相信,而且整個簽名會的氣氛都讓我們非常high…感覺真的超棒的! 除了新加坡當地的歌迷,我們也看到來自世界各地的歌迷…大家辛苦了! 其實誰都沒有predict有那麼多人,也很不幸的,我們沒有辦法把所有的專輯都簽完,對那些一直在炎熱的天氣下排隊了很久的歌迷朋友,我們真的很抱歉…尤其活動結束後心情真的很不好因為沒辦法簽完。

The following day,我們又舉辦了花樣的簽名活動,同樣的,這次又有同樣多的人潮出現,公司一直要求我們加快簽名的速度,希望所有的CD都能簽完,幸好這次只是我跟ELLA,所以整個過程進行得比較快…不過,我還是有壓力因為我必須快快快,甚至也沒有時間跟你們好好握手and I feel really bad…. 後來,我慢慢的不給自己壓力加快速度,因為我知道你們來簽名不是單純只為了拿到簽名而已,也會希望跟我們有眼神的交流和好好握手。我真心為我太快簽名向大家說…對不起!

同時,我也發現很多新加坡的歌迷都很守次序!!! 你們真的有在聽工作人員的話呢! 我們真的很開心也以你們感到光榮,因為一切都是為了大家的安全啊…做得好啊…謝謝你們!

我這次很可惜沒有時間去做我最愛做的事…逛街!!! 不過,我很開心這次住的飯店是之前我每到新加坡都會drop by的飯店,全都因為“海南雞飯”…嘿嘿!!! 之前,因為從brunei飛melbourne需要在新加坡airport transit 6 hours … 我還記得我每次為了海南雞飯狂奔到 this hotel..hahaa! Anyway, 希望有機會我可以再度偷偷來新加坡,好好享受一下 …哈哈!

By the way, 我剛剛才看完了花樣。算一下從我看第9集到現在已經一個月了因為我最近都在忙,忙到沒時間看。不過,我還是想說今晚我在看的時候,是很享受的,因為劇情不但很有趣,也很感人! 難怪你們都愛看…哈哈! 而且看完了最後的幕後花絮,我真的很感動看到那麼多人都來各種活動上支持我們…真的很謝謝你們!

Last but not least…上個禮拜我們在台灣得了兩個獎…在這個我們開始演藝實業的城市得獎,對我們來說意義重大啊…大大的感謝給所有給我們機會的人,飛輪海加油加油加油!!!


English Version

Last week was a fantastic week!

We went to Singapore and attended many activities… like promoting our Fahrenheit album and also Hanakimi which will be airing in Singapore this month! Although most of you have watched it, I gotta tell you that watching from the TV is totally a different feeling from watching from the computer screen so you’ve gotta watch it again, ok? Haha! Most importantly, we would like to once again ‘thank’ SHE for giving us this great opportunity to be their special guest in their Singapore concert!

During our activities in Singapore, I honestly didn’t expect to see so many supporters! It was really unbelievable and the environment during our autograph signing activity made us really HIGH… the feeling was great! Besides Singaporean supporters, there were also supporters coming from different parts of the world as well! No one expected this crowd and very unfortunately, we didn’t manage to finish signing all the CDs and I know many of you have been queuing for a long time under the warm weather… We really felt bad at the end of the activity! 

The following day, we had the Hanakimi autograph session and again, the same number of crowds appeared and this time, our Company asked us to speed up with the singing so all CDs will be signed and the luckily there was only Ella and myself so the process was a little quicker… Anyway, the pressure was still there and that was the first time for me to sign in such a fast pace and I really felt very uncomfortable as I had to rush and did not even have enough time to shake hands properly... However, as time went by, I decided not be affected by the pressure and decided to slow down because I know all of you came not only because of our autographs but also to have a good eye contact or a proper shake hands with us. I deeply apologize for the rush in signing the CDs… SORRY!

By the way, I realised that our Singaporean supporters are really disciplined!!! You guys really listen to the commands from our staff, huh! We are really happy and proud of you guys because it’s for the safety of all of you…Well Done and Thank You!

Unfortunately, we did not have much time to do what I have always loved most about Singapore… SHOPPING!!! However, I’m happy enough to be able to stay in the hotel which I always drop by whenever I visit Singapore and it’s all because of the Hainanese Chicken Rice… HEHE!!! I still recall myself rushing to the hotel from the airport just to eat the Chic rice though there was only 6 hours transit time in Singapore for the flight from Brunei to Melbourne…Hopefully, I will be able to come again secretly and enjoy myself in Singapore….hahaa!

By the way, I just finished watching Hanakimi Episode 12 a while ago and it has been a month already that I haven't watched it as I've been busy all these while and really got no time at all. Anyway, I have to say that I really enjoy watching it tonight because it's not only very funny(Imagination part) but very touching too! No wonder so many of you love it.... haha! It’s getting better and better…So, will I be with Rui Xi at the end??? You have to Guess ☺!!! This episode’s 'Behind The Scenes' really touched me as it shows so many of you supporting us wherever we hold our activities... Thank you guys! Thank you so so much!

Last but not least… we were awarded with 2 music awards in Taiwan last week… the city where our showbiz career started at and it means a lot to us… A big thank you to everyone who gave us this great opportunity and Fahrenheit Go Go Go!!!

A quote to share…
For things to change, I must change first!


尊樺已滅燈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


我們去了新加坡也參加了很多活動…例如宣傳Fahrenheit的專輯,還有宣傳將在這個月在新加坡上映的花樣少年少女! 雖然你們大部份已經看了,但是我要跟你們說喔,從電視上看和從電腦熒幕看是完全不一樣的喔,所以你必須再看一次喔,好不好﹖哈哈 ﹗最重要的是,我們要再次向師姐“S.H.E” 說一聲謝謝,因為再次給了我們機會當她們新加坡演唱會的特別嘉賓!

在整個新加坡的各種活動上,老實說我從沒想過會有那麼多supporters! 真的是難以相信,而且整個簽名會的氣氛都讓我們非常high…感覺真的超棒的! 除了新加坡當地的歌迷,我們也看到來自世界各地的歌迷…大家辛苦了! 其實誰都沒有predict有那麼多人,也很不幸的,我們沒有辦法把所有的專輯都簽完,對那些一直在炎熱的天氣下排隊了很久的歌迷朋友,我們真的很抱歉…尤其活動結束後心情真的很不好因為沒辦法簽完。

The following day,我們又舉辦了花樣的簽名活動,同樣的,這次又有同樣多的人潮出現,公司一直要求我們加快簽名的速度,希望所有的CD都能簽完,幸好這次只是我跟ELLA,所以整個過程進行得比較快…不過,我還是有壓力因為我必須快快快,甚至也沒有時間跟你們好好握手and I feel really bad…. 後來,我慢慢的不給自己壓力加快速度,因為我知道你們來簽名不是單純只為了拿到簽名而已,也會希望跟我們有眼神的交流和好好握手。我真心為我太快簽名向大家說…對不起!

同時,我也發現很多新加坡的歌迷都很守次序!!! 你們真的有在聽工作人員的話呢! 我們真的很開心也以你們感到光榮,因為一切都是為了大家的安全啊…做得好啊…謝謝你們!

我這次很可惜沒有時間去做我最愛做的事…逛街!!! 不過,我很開心這次住的飯店是之前我每到新加坡都會drop by的飯店,全都因為“海南雞飯”…嘿嘿!!! 之前,因為從brunei飛melbourne需要在新加坡airport transit 6 hours … 我還記得我每次為了海南雞飯狂奔到 this hotel..hahaa! Anyway, 希望有機會我可以再度偷偷來新加坡,好好享受一下 …哈哈!

By the way, 我剛剛才看完了花樣。算一下從我看第9集到現在已經一個月了因為我最近都在忙,忙到沒時間看。不過,我還是想說今晚我在看的時候,是很享受的,因為劇情不但很有趣,也很感人! 難怪你們都愛看…哈哈! 而且看完了最後的幕後花絮,我真的很感動看到那麼多人都來各種活動上支持我們…真的很謝謝你們!

Last but not least…上個禮拜我們在台灣得了兩個獎…在這個我們開始演藝實業的城市得獎,對我們來說意義重大啊…大大的感謝給所有給我們機會的人,飛輪海加油加油加油!!!


English Version

Last week was a fantastic week!

We went to Singapore and attended many activities… like promoting our Fahrenheit album and also Hanakimi which will be airing in Singapore this month! Although most of you have watched it, I gotta tell you that watching from the TV is totally a different feeling from watching from the computer screen so you’ve gotta watch it again, ok? Haha! Most importantly, we would like to once again ‘thank’ SHE for giving us this great opportunity to be their special guest in their Singapore concert!

During our activities in Singapore, I honestly didn’t expect to see so many supporters! It was really unbelievable and the environment during our autograph signing activity made us really HIGH… the feeling was great! Besides Singaporean supporters, there were also supporters coming from different parts of the world as well! No one expected this crowd and very unfortunately, we didn’t manage to finish signing all the CDs and I know many of you have been queuing for a long time under the warm weather… We really felt bad at the end of the activity! 

The following day, we had the Hanakimi autograph session and again, the same number of crowds appeared and this time, our Company asked us to speed up with the singing so all CDs will be signed and the luckily there was only Ella and myself so the process was a little quicker… Anyway, the pressure was still there and that was the first time for me to sign in such a fast pace and I really felt very uncomfortable as I had to rush and did not even have enough time to shake hands properly... However, as time went by, I decided not be affected by the pressure and decided to slow down because I know all of you came not only because of our autographs but also to have a good eye contact or a proper shake hands with us. I deeply apologize for the rush in signing the CDs… SORRY!

By the way, I realised that our Singaporean supporters are really disciplined!!! You guys really listen to the commands from our staff, huh! We are really happy and proud of you guys because it’s for the safety of all of you…Well Done and Thank You!

Unfortunately, we did not have much time to do what I have always loved most about Singapore… SHOPPING!!! However, I’m happy enough to be able to stay in the hotel which I always drop by whenever I visit Singapore and it’s all because of the Hainanese Chicken Rice… HEHE!!! I still recall myself rushing to the hotel from the airport just to eat the Chic rice though there was only 6 hours transit time in Singapore for the flight from Brunei to Melbourne…Hopefully, I will be able to come again secretly and enjoy myself in Singapore….hahaa!

By the way, I just finished watching Hanakimi Episode 12 a while ago and it has been a month already that I haven't watched it as I've been busy all these while and really got no time at all. Anyway, I have to say that I really enjoy watching it tonight because it's not only very funny(Imagination part) but very touching too! No wonder so many of you love it.... haha! It’s getting better and better…So, will I be with Rui Xi at the end??? You have to Guess ☺!!! This episode’s 'Behind The Scenes' really touched me as it shows so many of you supporting us wherever we hold our activities... Thank you guys! Thank you so so much!

Last but not least… we were awarded with 2 music awards in Taiwan last week… the city where our showbiz career started at and it means a lot to us… A big thank you to everyone who gave us this great opportunity and Fahrenheit Go Go Go!!!

A quote to share…
For things to change, I must change first!


尊樺已滅燈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi guys, 我現在人在汶萊因為有急事必須回來處理。但是不要擔心只是公事。在我回去的途中我有機會停在新加坡一個晚上,猜猜我又去了哪﹖當然,我和一些新加坡的朋友去了我最喜歡的小販中心“Newton Circus” 。然後隔天早上我就去“Orchard Road” 買我渴望已久的美食…Yum Yum…哈哈! 如果有那些要來新加坡, 支持我們的, 記得要去吃當地的美食牛頓熟食中心) 。然後隔天早上我就去“Orchard Road” (烏節路)買我渴望已久的美食…Yum Yum…哈哈! 如果有那些要來新加坡, 支持我們的, 記得要去吃當地的美食 (椰姜飯,沙爹,肉骨茶,海南雞飯,薄餅,豆蒜,檳城果條, Laksa etc). 我實在等不及下個禮拜再過去啦哈哈…各位親愛的新加坡的歌迷朋友們…我們就要來啦!!! 

還有,我剛剛才從台北聽到一個好消息!!! 花樣的收視破5啦! 太棒啦! 因為偶像劇要達到這個收視率真的很不容易啦! 我真心感謝每個支持這部戲的觀眾朋友! 希望這部戲可以為更多來自不同地方的人帶來歡樂!

By the way…2007年我們第一個簽唱活動實在很成功啦!!! 和之前的每一場簽唱活動的人潮比起來,這場真的是我看到最多人參加的一次啦。真的有夠可怕!!! 而且,在我們過去的每一場活動裡,大多數的人潮都是年輕人, 可是這一次我看見很多成人的支持者還有很多來自其他國家的朋友…這感覺真的超棒!

老實說,我個人認為花樣少年少女真的是很棒的偶像劇,就像我相信觀眾比較多是年輕人,但是我發現當你們跟父母或家人一同觀賞的時候,最後全家人都會愛上這部偶像劇! 這就是為什麼越來越多成年人甚至全家出動來參加我們的活動的原因啦!


我還記得當時在活動現場上播出“專屬天使”,我的腦海裡開始想到這些日子的演藝圈生活…不斷增加的支持者,來自世界各地的你們的支持和鼓勵,etc…我真的無法想像我是多麼地幸運! 我差點就這樣噴出眼淚因為我真的從來沒有想過在我的生命裡會發生這麼美好的事情,這真的讓我很感動!

當然,我知道每個人對我的期待越來越高。我也告訴我自己我必須變得更強,因為前面還有很長的路在等著我挑戰,不是嗎﹖我常常跟身邊的人說如果我們已經盡力嘗試了,也用心地去做每一件事情,我們就是勝利者,不管結果事實上我們有沒有得到什麼! 讓我們一起加油,做到最好!

有時候我會覺得我的個性跟左以泉很相似,就是會很努力地朝著目標前進,而你們就像瑞希一直支持著我!!! 你們的鼓勵給了我最大的動力去讓自己更進步。我其實非常開心聽到你們稱讚我的整體表現進步了很多。

每當我看著自己的表現的時候,我知道我還有很大進步的空間,也很慶幸自己可以發現錯誤,身邊的人也很願意給我意見,以讓我在未來的日子可以做得更好! 這就是人生應該的…有能力發現你的錯誤,抓緊每個機會去學習和改善自己,在下一次做得更好,因為學習是永遠不會嫌晚的,不是嗎!

最後,除了要感謝支持我的你們,我也要最真心地向可米製作,華研唱片,及所有願意在2006年給我們很多宣傳機會的媒體朋友們說一聲謝謝你們! 我會珍惜這些日子以來每個人給我的機會也希望,2007年又會是大家的燦爛的一年! 是的…我們今年的確有一個很好的開始…3個音樂獎和電視收視率第一! 當然, 一定還要更努力…一起加油喔!

分享Michael Jordan說過的話:

English Version

Hi Guys, I'm in Brunei now. I need to be back urgently but don't worry... it's purely work and nothing serious! On my way back, I had the chance to stopover in Singapore for one night and guess where I went? Of course, I went to my favourite food stall 'Newton Circus' with my Singapore friends and the next morning, I woke up early and went to Orchard Road to buy food which I craved for a very long time...Yum Yum... haha! For those who will come to Singapore to support us, you guys must ask your Singapore friends to bring you to try the local food (Nasi Lemak, Satay, Bak Kut Teh, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Popiah, Tau Suan, Penang Kway Tiau, Laksa, etc). I really cant wait to go there again next week... To all our dearest supporters in Singapore... here we come!!!

Oh yah... I received 1 great news from Taipei yesterday!!! Hanakimi's ratings just broke a new record. Wow, the ratings shot above 5 and the feeling is really great because it's not easy for a drama to have this kind of achievement nowadays and i sincerely want to say a very Big Thank You to so many of you who never stop promoting this drama to everyone around you... Hope this drama brings more happiness to more and more people from around the world!

Also, I think our first Taiwan autograph signing activity in the year 2007 was a great success!!! It was my first time witnessing so many people attending compared to all our past autograph activities, which the crowds were lesser. It was really awesome!!! Also, In all of our past activities, majority of the crowds were teenagers but this time there were many adult supporters and some are also from many different countries… the feeling was GREAT! 

Honestly, I personally think that Hanakimi is really a great drama as I believe viewers are more to the younger generations but when they are joined in by their parents or other family members, the family as a whole just fall in love with this drama! That’s one of the reasons why there are more and more adults or even whole family members attending our activities!

Whenever I read my guestbook nowadays, I was always amazed to find out supporters who actually was their first time in terms of supporting an artiste to this extent, and though many of them are a bit shy of their age, many still turn up at the activity and it’s a great feeling for me… A very Big ‘Thank You’ to all of you!!!

I still remember there was a time when ‘專屬天使’ was played during that activity, my mind began to think of my showbiz career as a whole… the increase in the number of supporters, the support and encouragement from so many of you around the world, etc… I really couldn’t imagine how lucky I am! I almost burst out into tears coz I never ever expected all these would happen in my life and I’m really touched! 

Of course, I know the expectations from everyone is higher now and I told myself that I need to be stronger because there is still a long road ahead waiting for me to take the challenge, right? I’ve always told people around me that as long as we’ve tried our best and put our heart into everything that we do, we will be a winner no matter what the outcome is! Let’s ‘jia you’ together and do our very best!

Sometimes I do think that my personality is very similar to Quan/Izumi Sano as I’m also someone who works really hard to achieve my goals and all of you are like Rui Xi/Mizuki Ashiya who’s always there to support me!!! Encouragement from you guys gave me the courage and confidence to improve myself and I’m indeed very happy to see many of you telling me that my overall performance has improved. 

Whenever I look at my performance now, I know there’s room for improvement and I think I’m very fortunate to be able to observe my mistakes and people around me are willing to give me advices so I can further improve myself in the future! That’s just how life should be… To be able to realize your mistakes, grab hold of the opportunity to learn and improve yourself and do better next time because it’s never too late to learn, right! 

Lastly, besides all my thanks to all the supporters out there, I also want to give my most sincere thanks to all the hardworking staffs at Comic production, HIM and also all the media reporters who are willing to give us many many good exposure opportunities in 2006. I will treasure all those opportunities given to us in the past and hopefully, 2007 will be another shining year! Yes…So far, I think we have a great start this year…3 musical awards and No.1 Rating in TV Drama…will definitely work on it and achieve more!!!

Quote to share from Michael Jordan:
Success isn’t something you chase. Its something you have put forth the effort for constantly. Then, maybe it’ll come when you least expect it. 

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吳尊昨天與Hit Fm聯播網「網路版花漾少女選拔賽」前6名得獎美少女共享鮑魚、魚翅,因為長智齒而牙齦發炎的他說:「痛到晚上睡不著,拔掉之後好很多了」,接著透露自己其實受偏頭痛所苦長達8年之久,看過醫生後,卻找不到根治頭痛的方法。 


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花樣打敗轉角 大S賭盤輸得開心


據收視調查公司調查「轉角*遇到愛」平均收視率2.81 %、「花樣少年少女」3.91%。柴智屏預測首播時收率可達3.3%,大S則猜2.9%。收視率出來後大S當場輸了2萬元後說:「這是我這輩子輸錢輸得最開心的一次。」 

「轉」劇第一集播出後,許多網友對小豬與大S兩人在劇中的表現引起許多討論,甚至有網友認為兩人絕佳的默契「應該拍完之後就會在一起了吧」,還有人認為大 S在劇中對服裝的講究和小豬天生散發的喜感,讓「轉」劇充滿幽默的喜感。而小豬在第一集反串的女傭,也獲得許多「笑」果。 

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我相信大家在花樣中一次又一次地聽到專屬天使的時候,心中一定有特別的感想。每當我在看戲的時候聽到這首歌,我都會很感動因為這歌真的說出了我在劇中對瑞希感情! 當公司要拍這支MV的時候,我真的很開心他們選擇了我和ELLA當MV的男女主角,因為我真的很喜歡這部戲,也希望透過這部MV讓大家更了解泉和瑞希在劇中的關係!MV拍攝那天,我們被導演要求穿上劇中穿過的校服,這讓我好像又回到了當時拍攝這部戲的時光! 每當我在看這部戲的時候,我都會很很懷念那些拍戲的日子,很多回憶會忽然間出現在我腦海裡! 你們也可以和我一樣,把專屬天使這支MV,當作花樣小小的延續啦哈哈! 當然,如果這部戲有續集就好啦…哈哈!

當然要說一下,TANK的新專輯這個月就要發片了。他真的是一個音樂上的天才﹗他為我們飛輪海寫了兩首那麼好聽的歌,我們真的要感謝他也來不及啊﹗我想大家都發現了我們的網志都播了他的歌哈哈,這是一定要挺一下我們的師兄的啦﹗現在他的第二張專輯就要發行了,我真的為他感到開心因為不用說啦,一定是一張值得珍藏的專輯!!! 我希望大家可以支持他的新專輯因為他真的是超棒的!


English Version

I believe many of you have a special feeling with ‘專屬天使’ as this song has been repeatedly played in Hanakimi. Whenever I listen to this song, I was always touched by it because it really describes my feelings towards Rui Xi in the drama!

When our company decided to film the MV of this song, they selected Ella and myself as the model and I was very happy to hear the news as I really really love this drama. Having given opportunity, I hope this MV will let all Hanakimi lovers a better understanding on our relationship in this drama!

On the day of our MV shooting, we were required to wear the school uniforms which we wore in the drama and it brought back the memories when the drama was filmed! I really miss those moments and whenever I watch this drama, memories just popped out automatically from nowhere!!! How nice will it be if there is HANAKIMI Part II... Haha!

By the way, TANK's new album will be out this month and look at how talented he is! He wrote 2 very nice songs for Fahrenheit’s album and we just can’t thank him enough! Now that his 2nd album is out, I am indeed happy for him because there is no doubt his album is worth buying!!! Attached is also his song I like to share with you guys in my blog and I really hope all of you can support his album because he is SUPER FANTASTIC! Thanks everyone!!!

Quote to share...
Never Give Up...Keep On Fighting!!!


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【記者袁世珮/台北報導】 記者 侯永全/攝影



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首次拍偶像劇 Ella耍林俊傑

記者梁岱琦/台北報導 2006.11.28 03:06 pm 

繞了一圈林俊傑終於要在台北辦演唱會了,他即將於12月29日在台北小巨蛋開唱,這也是林俊傑的第六場個人演唱會。不只演唱會將舉行,許多偶像劇也找上門 來,林俊傑先在「花樣少年少女」裡客串Ella的哥哥,對演戲有興趣的他,就只缺沒時間,經紀人掐指一算,林俊傑恐怕要到明年以後才有時間跨足戲劇。 

林俊傑陸續在上海、天津、武漢、新加坡、馬來西亞唱過後,終於要把個人演唱會搬到台灣來了,12月29日在台北小巨蛋舉行的個唱,一口氣請來了蔡依林、張 韶涵、阿杜和林宇中四人擔任佳賓。林俊傑不只歌壇人氣旺,許多偶像劇也看上他,經紀人透露鈕承澤則表示對林俊傑有興趣,三立蘇麗媚也曾詢問過,如果有合適 劇本,林俊傑想不想演戲對跨足偶像劇,林俊傑很想嘗試,但他強調,「一切不急,慢慢來」。 

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蜜蜂強壓非禮 感覺好A 

八大「花樣少年少女」中,學校舉辦「奪寶大賽」,Ella被指派扮成小甜甜,賽跑前,2名穿著卡通裝的壞學生怕她會贏,竟偷偷綁走她惡整一頓。Ella覺 得這場戲最累的不是穿成小甜甜裝可愛,而是不斷被拉來扯去,還被甩到柵欄上,「我再怎麼抗拒,力氣也大不過男生,所以只要一NG,我全身骨頭就像散了一 樣,還有一隻『蜜蜂』企圖非禮我,感覺有夠A!」 

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用言語實在很難形容我有多珍惜你們為我做的每一件事情,和這些事情對我有多重要的意義! 有時候,你也許會覺得在那麼多支持者裡面你可能只是其中一個,所以我不會在意,但是你知道嗎﹖因為有你們每一個人的支持,不關是大或小, 才會有今天的吳尊!!!我真的很感激也希望今年你們每個人都可以有一個美好的聖誕節﹗


S.H.E的演唱會﹖哇!! 小巨蛋!!! 像我們這種新團體要在如此的場地表演﹖我的天啊,我們真的很幸運有S.H.E成為我們的師姐,也要感謝公司給我們機會,對我們有信心﹗我們會努力,希望有一天可以舉行自己的演唱會! 當然啦,這就是我們其中一個目標,而我們一定會努力實現它﹗

行程 ﹣其實我最近想了很多關於最近我們在活動上的各種事情。有真的很開心的時刻,同時也有傷心的時候﹗

你們的熱烈反應再一次讓我們很難相信!!! 不過,當時,我實在很擔心你們的安全﹖這真的真的非常非常危險!!! 也許保全人員真的不夠,也許我們真的要嚴格地遵守規矩以讓所有人都能站在線後面 ﹣也同時在不擁擠的情況下才收你們的信,然後我們又可以跟大家合照,不是嗎﹖這樣不是更好嗎﹖

聽說有人覺得我生氣了…其時並沒有! 我臉部的表情應該是很擔心吧! 我可以看到很多人很辛苦地犧牲了一些事情,只為了來看我們,當然你們會很興奮(就像我看到Michael Jordan的時候﹗),但是情況真的是太危險了,甚至有人跌倒了﹗哇我的天啊﹖歇斯底裡的人在後面沒有注意到就會一直往前踩!!! 我真的不希望再看到任何人受傷了,所以我希望將來這種情況一定要改善。答應我好嗎﹖





English Version

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my dearest supporters!!! 
Words really cannot express how much I appreciate what you guys have done for me and how important those actions meant to me! Sometimes, you might think I have so many supporters and I wont care about a single person’s support but do you know that all these little support from each and everyone of you built up the Wu Chun of today??? I am really grateful and I hope everyone of you will experience the best Christmas this year!

Blog - I am stunned and happy with the number of newbies leaving messages in my Blog’s guestbook! Anyway, Just wanted to let you guys know that I do read all the messages but I would need to delete right after I finished reading them? Last week, my company asked me if I want them to help me delete some of the old messages since many of you informed them that my guestbook is always full but I turned down their help as I wish to read all of them and will try my very best to read whenever I have the time! I hope you guys can leave messages at my Blog’s article if my guestbook is full, ok!

SHE Concert - WOW? Siau Chue Dan!!! For a new group like us performing in that arena? Oh my god, we are indeed very lucky to have SHE as our Seniors and we also want to thank our company for trusting us and giving us this valuable opportunity! We will work hard and hopefully, one day we can achieve our goal and open a concert of our own ☺

Trip – Actually I thought a lot about the experiences about our trip recently and to me, there are very happy memories but there are also sad ones!

The respond is unbelievable again! However, the situation is really really DANGEROUS!!! What can I say? Maybe there were inadequate security guards or maybe we should follow a strict rule where everyone would stand behind the line so we could take group pics with you guys and and at the same time receiving your letters without the need to squeeze, right? Isn’t that much better?

Some of you say i look a little unhappy this trip… Well, I guess my facial expression only shows that I am too worried about the safety of all of you? I can see many of you trying so hard and sacrificing a lot just to come and see us and of course, very excited as well (like how I would have reacted if I see Michael Jordan!) but it was really too risky and there was even someone who actually fell on the floor! And oh my god…hysteric people at the back did not see it and kept on stepping forward!!! I can understand your feeling at that time but I really don’t wish to see anyone getting hurt again so let’s hope the situation will improve in the future, Promise me ok? By the way, I didn’t get hurt during any of the activities so don’t worry ok ☺

Also, it’s really very dangerous when you guys try to follow our car… I know many of you want to know where we are going so if you really really want to follow (which I don’t encourage you to do so), please do it in a safe way or else I will be very disappointed… I also believe your family don’t wish to see you guys at risk too so please agree with my views and be extremely aware of your safety!!!

Gifts – As I have mentioned, we really don’t encourage you guys giving us gifts but still a lot of you want to show your love and appreciation to us! Honestly, a letter is all it matters to me and I do collect some gifts this trip because of safety reasons and I can also imagine the feeling of being rejected and that’s why I don’t want to see you guys disappointed again so please don’t spend money buying gifts again in the future ok. 

Honestly, you guys really make us feel like Superstars! Being able to witness so many supporters the moment we touch down at the airport, the feeling was truly awesome and unbelievable! A big THANK YOU again to all of you! We would also like to thank judges and those of you who have voted us in the TVB8 award ceremony? We know there is room for improvement and we will work hard and will not let you guys down! 

Quote to share…

Jusr remember …Enjoy a great Christmas day with your Family & Love Ones and make them feel very special on this special occasion!

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很開心看見大家這麼支持“花樣少年少女” 這部偶像劇…在我們的活動上,我看到很多朋友來自香港﹑日本﹑新加坡﹑澳洲﹑美國﹑南非等等的朋友來台灣支持我們﹗我也知道很多人為了要拿到號碼牌很辛苦的queue up,甚至到最後也沒有辦法幸運地上台﹗我知道你們很辛苦,過程也很麻煩,但是我知道你們的心意﹕用行動支持我們,我也完全感受到了﹗﹗﹗當然對於沒有辦法來的朋友,請不要擔心,因為我知道你們的supporting spirit會一直與我們同在的:-)

還有啊,我必須承認我可能沒有辦法記得你們所有人的名字,但是我會努力去記得的,ok﹖最重要的是,我想跟你們說,看見你們和讀你們給我的信,真的給了我很大很大的快樂and encouragement…


我知道很多朋友已經有在收看“花樣少年少女” 了,尤其很多學生跟我說他們很喜歡這部偶像劇哈哈。我很開心聽到或看到關於這部戲的熱烈討論:-) 。不過要記得喔,你們還是要’focus’你們的學業或事業喔,ok﹖知道有這麼多人在支持我,我當然很開心。我也知道有人會擔心我的個性會因此而改變…Well,我並不覺得我會改變,因為我已經夠成熟了,也清楚地知道我要的是什麼,什麼因該做, 什麼不因該做, 而且我對我現在的做為沒有什麼太不滿意。當然我們還是要加油,為了我們更好的未來而加油,好嗎﹖

很感謝很多朋友把你們自己“小分享” 分享給更多人,因為我相信也希望這些小小的話可以給你們一些啟發,也讓你們開心﹗

聖誕節前我要提醒大家一下 -要珍惜你愛的人喔,做一些讓他們驚喜的事情,感謝他們為你做過的事,和…. 記得說“我愛你”﹗

最後,有沒有人發現我最近已經不再勸告大家多吃水果和多喝水了﹖你知道為什麼嗎…Well,請一定要常常問你自己,現在有沒有吃水果和喝水啊☺ 如果沒有,為什麼﹖對你是好的啦,所以你“一定”要聽我的話…養成這個好習慣啦,好不好﹖


好消息啦 –雖然花樣的宣傳活動已經告一個段落了,但是飛輪海還是有海外的活動喔﹗

12/16 –師姐S.H.E演唱會的特別嘉賓
12/17 - 又去香港啦﹗出席香港一個電台主辦的演唱活動還有晚上出席TVB8頒獎典禮﹗香港的朋友...我們來了!!!
12/23 - 去上海演出
12/31 - 會在台灣出席三場大型的跨年表演喔﹗



English Version

So happy to see so many of you supporting this drama… During our activities, I can see friends from HK, Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA, South Africa, etc. who have come all the way to Taiwan to support us! I also know that you guys really had a hard time queuing up for the numbers and very unfortunately, many of you are unable to be the lucky ones to come on stage! I know you guys go through so much hassle and there is only one thing in your mind and that is: To show us that you really support us and i can really feel it!!! Of course for those who couldn’t come, I know your supporting spirit is always with us so don’t worry ok :-)

Also, I have to admit that I might not be able to remember all your names but I will really try my best to remember, ok? Most importantly, what I want to tell you guys is that I’m extremely happy seeing all of you and reading the letters you guys wrote to me… 

It’s very sad to know that will be no more activities for HANAKIMI. To be honest, I am really happy all these while… How about you guys??? The feeling is the same as when I was filming this drama… its tiring but the process is a happy one and I really had a nice time with you guys lately… Thanks a million for this great memory!!! Also, let’s hope the ratings will get higher because I believe GTV will definitely plan for more celebration activities when the ratings hit 5, 6, 7 and so on ( Am i dreaming☺) and by that time, we can meet and have fun again, right?

I know most of the you have been watching Hanakimi especially students, who even told me their classmates love this drama too and I’m glad it’s their discussion topic every now and then :-) BUT remember, you guys still need to ‘FOCUS’ on your studies or work, ok! Realising so many of you supporting me now, I’m indeed very happy and I know some of you are worried that my personality might change… Well, I don’t think I will change because I think I am mature enough to know what I want, what I can or not do and I am really comfortable with how I am now and of course- let all of us Jia You together and give ourselves a better future ok!

Also, many ‘Thanks’ to all of you for sharing some useful quotes in my blog as well because I believe they can really educate people and brighten up their day, agree?

A reminder for you before Christmas - Treasure your loved ones, do something special, give them a surprise, thank them for what they have done for you and… Say I Love You!

Lastly, Did anyone realise I stop telling you guys to eat fruits and drink more water lately? You know why… Well, ask yourself if you really do eat fruits and drink more water now ☺ If not, why? It’s good for you so you MUST listen to me… MAKE IT A HABIT ok!!!

Quote to share…
People are like rubber bands:They need to be stretched to be effective!

Good News - Although Hanakimi activities has come to an end now, we still have overseas activities! 
16th Dec - VIP Guest for SHE Concert
17th Dec - Going to HK! Attend a Concert for a radio station and also Prize ceremony for TVB8...HK Friends, This Sunday...Here we come!!!
23rd Dec – Performing in Shanghai
31st Dec - We will be attending 3 huge Year-end countdown concerts throughout Taiwan!
(For more information, you can log on to www.him.com.tw)

So…start planning if you want to join us! So happy that we can meet again at the last day of 2006! 


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其實,我也不知道我是不是應該說郭富城是我的朋友或不是。但是我在澳洲墨爾本的時候,我有跟他約在一起出去玩過呢。因為我記得那時候,他來澳洲是因為觀賞F1比賽,而剛好他住的飯店跟我父母親那時候住的是同一家,因此我那時候有機會接近他跟他要求合照,而他人真的也很好,就這樣跟我聊天起來了哈哈。在那段短短的時間裡,我們曾經一起去健身妨也曾相約一起打網球。但是我也沒跟他要電話號碼,因為我覺得那是他的隱私,誰叫他那時候已經是天王巨星,我只是一個學生﹗不過我記得非常清楚的是那時候她對我說的一句話“前途無限” ﹗可能他的意思是說如果我進入演藝圈的話,我將會擁有無限燦爛的未來但是在那個時候,我根本沒有思考過要進入演藝圈這個問題呢﹗ 


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S.H.E12月16日在小巨蛋舉辦演唱會,主辦單位特地招待她們去做盲人腳底按摩,Selina不愧是公主,師傅輕輕按下去,立刻哇哇叫,音量大到在場 的人都行注目禮,Selina邊喊痛、還得邊解釋:「不是師傅欺負我啦,是我真的很怕痛。」師傅也說Selina全身的神經太敏感,一被摸就容易反射性大 叫,不過體內器官一切正常。 

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我又流眼落淚了...看了第3集之後(聽了瑞莃回想她為大的過去那段...她很努力的鼓力自己來減肥,前都是因為愛情的力量!) 太感動了!

尊樺已滅燈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



昨天下午,同門的S.H.E、動力火車和飛輪海因為「搶救棄兒」公益活動難得聚在一起,大概是因為做善事太開心的緣故,Selina和 Hebe猛拿 Ella和吳尊的緋聞開玩笑,Ella大方和記者們分享她近日凸出的輕微鮪魚肚,和自爆在家裡都只穿內褲,上半身打赤膊,不怕別人看,這時Selina語出驚人的說:「有啊,吳尊有跟我說過。」 

此時,全部人的目光都轉向吳尊,向他要一個解釋,吳尊還一副茫然的問:「什麼?」「你有看過Ella打赤膊嗎?」來自汶萊的吳尊果然什麼都不知道,繼續 問:「什麼是打赤膊?」大家向他解釋,就是上半身都沒穿的意思,吳尊聽到後連忙否認說「沒看過」,想不想看?吳尊說:「不想看打赤膊,但全裸就想看。」眼 看自己和Ella的緋聞一直被Selina拿來開玩笑,吳尊也不甘示弱地反擊,他問Selina:「那他(小豬)的新歌好不好聽?」這時終於讓 Selina暫時收斂了。 

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