
其實昨天的首映會讓我非常感動。當我和大家一起看 ”花樣少年少女“ 的小片段以後,我真希望這部片可以為你們帶來歡樂,也希望你們可以把這部片推薦給更多你們的朋友與親人,因為對我來說,這是一部感人的戲劇,也是一部可以讓大家開心地微笑,減少工作或上課壓力的喜劇﹗ 

昨晚當我看這部戲的時候,回想了拍戲從第一天開始到殺青的回憶 ,我實在控制不了自己,也流了幾滴眼淚…我真的要感謝導演,所有幕前幕後工作人員,所有演員,因為他們幫我很多,也對我很好。雖然拍戲的過程非常辛苦但是因為有這些人,每一天都是充滿有趣的記憶,我很幸運也很開心我是當中的一員﹗ 

先這樣…我還來不及寫完去內地宣傳的經驗與感想。我會持續POST內地行程的一些圖片!還有,還有,還有…就是拍攝花樣少年少女時候的一些幕後花絮啦…是不是很想看??? Well, I will update the album so be sure to check it out every now and then!


English Version

Tonight 9.30 at 華視 is the first episode of HANAKIMI...

Actually, i was very touched at the press conference last night. After watching the short clips of Hanakimi with all of you, i really hope this drama can bring happiness to every viewers and hope you guys can also introduce it to all your friends and relatives because to me, its a drama that is very touching and funny whereby giving you joy and reduce daily stress from work or school!

When i was watching the short clips last night, it brought back a lot of memories when we were filming this drama from day one to the last day and i couldn’t control myself and dropped a few tears☺I really want to thank the directors, the filming crew and all the actors and actresses because everyone were very helpful and really treated me well. Although filming this drama was really tiring but because of all these people, everyday was filled with so much fun and memories and i am and was indeed very lucky and glad to be part of it!

Hmmm…That’s all for now! I still haven’t finished writing the experiences I encountered during our promotional tour to various cities in China but i will still continue posting pictures of the trip and also...remember to loook out for more interesting behind-the-scenes pictures of us when we were filming Hanakimi…Will update it every now and then!!!


Quote to Share... "To Believe in Oneself and never let anyone try to take you down or discourage you!"



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