

其實,我也不知道我是不是應該說郭富城是我的朋友或不是。但是我在澳洲墨爾本的時候,我有跟他約在一起出去玩過呢。因為我記得那時候,他來澳洲是因為觀賞F1比賽,而剛好他住的飯店跟我父母親那時候住的是同一家,因此我那時候有機會接近他跟他要求合照,而他人真的也很好,就這樣跟我聊天起來了哈哈。在那段短短的時間裡,我們曾經一起去健身妨也曾相約一起打網球。但是我也沒跟他要電話號碼,因為我覺得那是他的隱私,誰叫他那時候已經是天王巨星,我只是一個學生﹗不過我記得非常清楚的是那時候她對我說的一句話“前途無限” ﹗可能他的意思是說如果我進入演藝圈的話,我將會擁有無限燦爛的未來但是在那個時候,我根本沒有思考過要進入演藝圈這個問題呢﹗ 



最後,要提醒大家喔 - 花樣的電視原聲帶和寫真書已經面世了喔﹗ 

這個週末希望可以在花樣少年少女的最後一個宣傳活動上跟大家見面啦﹗(詳情請上八大官網 。還有,不要忘了把專輯還有寫真書帶在手上喔﹗ 





English Version 

A big CONGRATULATIONS to my 2 friends Aaron Kwok and Zhang Rui Jia for their great accomplishment in Golden Horse Awards! 

Actually, I don’t know if I should say Aaron Kwok is my friend or not but we’ve hung out for a few days when I was studying in Melbourne, Australia and at that time, he was there to watch Formula 1 and he was staying in the same hotel as my parents. I remember approaching him to take a picture and he was indeed really nice and even chatted with me. During the few days of his stay there, we workout in the gym and played tennis together as well but I didn’t ask him for his contact number as I thought it might be too personal since he is a superstar and I was just a student! However, there is one word he told me and I still remember till now and that is: “You are still young! Your future is unlimited!” Maybe what he meant was that if I join showbiz, I will have a brilliant future but at that time, showbiz never came across my mind…hahaa! 

As for Rui Jia, he is a nice and funny guy and I am so happy for him because when we filmed Tokyo Juliet, we became good buddies! I still remember the last time I called him, he told me he was filming a movie…Wow!!! What a great opportunities it is for him! Actually, my initial goal entering showbiz is hoping for a chance to act in a MOVIE… I know this requires hardwork and luck but I am willing to wait for that chance to come and while I still have time to prepare now, I will definitely ‘Jia You’ and make use of the time because I know “Success and Opportunity are only given to those people who are well-prepared!” 

Finally, we all know Ella has been nominated for Best actress in the Golden Bell Awards… Actually, after working with her, I really feel that beside being a singer, she is also be a born actress because she is smart, her acting is very creative and natural and most importantly, her working attitude is someone that we should learn from… someone who is very helpful and always brings happiness to everyone! Although it doesn’t really matter if she will win the award or not but still, Let us all wish her luck and hope for the best! 

Lastly, just a reminder – Hanakimi’s Soundtrack and Book are out already…Go GRAB it now! 

Hope to see you guys at our final autograph session activities for Hanakimi this weekend (Go to for more details) and dont forget to bring your cd and book along! 

Luv u guys and hope to see all of you this weekend! 


Quote to share…

“You may be disappointed if you fail but you are doomed if you don’t try.”




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