
很開心看見大家這麼支持“花樣少年少女” 這部偶像劇…在我們的活動上,我看到很多朋友來自香港﹑日本﹑新加坡﹑澳洲﹑美國﹑南非等等的朋友來台灣支持我們﹗我也知道很多人為了要拿到號碼牌很辛苦的queue up,甚至到最後也沒有辦法幸運地上台﹗我知道你們很辛苦,過程也很麻煩,但是我知道你們的心意﹕用行動支持我們,我也完全感受到了﹗﹗﹗當然對於沒有辦法來的朋友,請不要擔心,因為我知道你們的supporting spirit會一直與我們同在的:-)

還有啊,我必須承認我可能沒有辦法記得你們所有人的名字,但是我會努力去記得的,ok﹖最重要的是,我想跟你們說,看見你們和讀你們給我的信,真的給了我很大很大的快樂and encouragement…


我知道很多朋友已經有在收看“花樣少年少女” 了,尤其很多學生跟我說他們很喜歡這部偶像劇哈哈。我很開心聽到或看到關於這部戲的熱烈討論:-) 。不過要記得喔,你們還是要’focus’你們的學業或事業喔,ok﹖知道有這麼多人在支持我,我當然很開心。我也知道有人會擔心我的個性會因此而改變…Well,我並不覺得我會改變,因為我已經夠成熟了,也清楚地知道我要的是什麼,什麼因該做, 什麼不因該做, 而且我對我現在的做為沒有什麼太不滿意。當然我們還是要加油,為了我們更好的未來而加油,好嗎﹖

很感謝很多朋友把你們自己“小分享” 分享給更多人,因為我相信也希望這些小小的話可以給你們一些啟發,也讓你們開心﹗

聖誕節前我要提醒大家一下 -要珍惜你愛的人喔,做一些讓他們驚喜的事情,感謝他們為你做過的事,和…. 記得說“我愛你”﹗

最後,有沒有人發現我最近已經不再勸告大家多吃水果和多喝水了﹖你知道為什麼嗎…Well,請一定要常常問你自己,現在有沒有吃水果和喝水啊☺ 如果沒有,為什麼﹖對你是好的啦,所以你“一定”要聽我的話…養成這個好習慣啦,好不好﹖


好消息啦 –雖然花樣的宣傳活動已經告一個段落了,但是飛輪海還是有海外的活動喔﹗

12/16 –師姐S.H.E演唱會的特別嘉賓
12/17 - 又去香港啦﹗出席香港一個電台主辦的演唱活動還有晚上出席TVB8頒獎典禮﹗香港的朋友...我們來了!!!
12/23 - 去上海演出
12/31 - 會在台灣出席三場大型的跨年表演喔﹗



English Version

So happy to see so many of you supporting this drama… During our activities, I can see friends from HK, Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA, South Africa, etc. who have come all the way to Taiwan to support us! I also know that you guys really had a hard time queuing up for the numbers and very unfortunately, many of you are unable to be the lucky ones to come on stage! I know you guys go through so much hassle and there is only one thing in your mind and that is: To show us that you really support us and i can really feel it!!! Of course for those who couldn’t come, I know your supporting spirit is always with us so don’t worry ok :-)

Also, I have to admit that I might not be able to remember all your names but I will really try my best to remember, ok? Most importantly, what I want to tell you guys is that I’m extremely happy seeing all of you and reading the letters you guys wrote to me… 

It’s very sad to know that will be no more activities for HANAKIMI. To be honest, I am really happy all these while… How about you guys??? The feeling is the same as when I was filming this drama… its tiring but the process is a happy one and I really had a nice time with you guys lately… Thanks a million for this great memory!!! Also, let’s hope the ratings will get higher because I believe GTV will definitely plan for more celebration activities when the ratings hit 5, 6, 7 and so on ( Am i dreaming☺) and by that time, we can meet and have fun again, right?

I know most of the you have been watching Hanakimi especially students, who even told me their classmates love this drama too and I’m glad it’s their discussion topic every now and then :-) BUT remember, you guys still need to ‘FOCUS’ on your studies or work, ok! Realising so many of you supporting me now, I’m indeed very happy and I know some of you are worried that my personality might change… Well, I don’t think I will change because I think I am mature enough to know what I want, what I can or not do and I am really comfortable with how I am now and of course- let all of us Jia You together and give ourselves a better future ok!

Also, many ‘Thanks’ to all of you for sharing some useful quotes in my blog as well because I believe they can really educate people and brighten up their day, agree?

A reminder for you before Christmas - Treasure your loved ones, do something special, give them a surprise, thank them for what they have done for you and… Say I Love You!

Lastly, Did anyone realise I stop telling you guys to eat fruits and drink more water lately? You know why… Well, ask yourself if you really do eat fruits and drink more water now ☺ If not, why? It’s good for you so you MUST listen to me… MAKE IT A HABIT ok!!!

Quote to share…
People are like rubber bands:They need to be stretched to be effective!

Good News - Although Hanakimi activities has come to an end now, we still have overseas activities! 
16th Dec - VIP Guest for SHE Concert
17th Dec - Going to HK! Attend a Concert for a radio station and also Prize ceremony for TVB8...HK Friends, This Sunday...Here we come!!!
23rd Dec – Performing in Shanghai
31st Dec - We will be attending 3 huge Year-end countdown concerts throughout Taiwan!
(For more information, you can log on to

So…start planning if you want to join us! So happy that we can meet again at the last day of 2006! 



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