
真的很不可思議! 從一個像你們一樣的平凡人到我的生日能夠得到來自世界各地的你們的祝福和陪伴…WOW! 的確是我的大日子。我相信我媽媽一定會為我感到開心! 當然,我知道她一定也不希望我在這麼有壓力的環境中工作…不過,我相信我是OK的因為她已經教了我怎樣成為一個獨立的人,也教會了我如何好好照顧自己 

說真的,如果沒有你們,我當然不會有這麼大的動力和信心! 我相信在我的演藝生涯裡,我從一開始就非常幸運,但是我也真的在每一個工作上都付出200%的用心和努力! 我一定會一直進步的,因為每當我嘗試新的工作時,你們都會給我鼓勵和信心☺ 我喜歡在生活中不斷吸收新的經驗,我也相信我未來會有更多機會去嘗試不一樣的事情…我也許一開始不會是完美的,但每個初學者都一定會有犯錯的時候,才會有進步,right? 最重要的是,我真的很幸運有你們給我那麼多機會,我也知道這些日子以來你們都一直給我支持和鼓勵! 反過來,你們也一樣會有我的支持和鼓勵喔,好嗎? 我希望這種感覺可以一直持續下去:-)


其實,我是第一個跟公司提議要辦這個生日活動的,也那麼剛好wu-chun.com跟公司提出這個建議。所以,公司終於同意要辦這個活動…讓我非常開心! 但是比較難過的是籌備的時間太短,而且要辦的場地,選擇上也非常有限!

Well,我還是很想對我的公司,主辦單位,還有你們大家表示我最真心的感謝,因為你們讓我的生日活動那麼成功! 給了我機會更認識你們,看見很多熟悉的面孔,也給了我機會認識我之前只在信看到的名字。最重要的還是跟你們有很愉快的過程。雖然很多人不能來,但是我還是感受到來自世界各地的你們的溫暖的生日祝福,包括那些在我的無名上留言的人…非常感謝你們!

同時,就像我之前說過的,我非常了解送禮物給自己欣賞的人的感覺…對我來說,MJ就是一個很好的例子啦 ☺ 好吧,我還是只在我生日的時候接受你們的禮物喔。可是總共有12大大的箱子…這也太誇張了吧,不是嗎? 很多非常有意義的禮物: 祝福的影片,慈善的捐款,DIY的禮物,很有意義的卡片,等等…非常非常感動! 你們相信嗎﹖我在生日當天已經來不及把所有禮物拆開和整理了…當然,不是像一個迫不及待想收到自己喜歡的東西的小孩的那種心態,而是看完禮物之後心裡的那種開心…我甚至把一些都帶到北京呢!

老實說,我是非常開心你們盡了最大的能力去做慈善,而且就算你們可能沒有能力參與,但是至少我知道你們有心去讓世界變得更美好! 其實,我不是很想在我的生日的時候有現場的捐款,但是因為我一直很想做這件事,又找不到適合的日子,只好選擇在我生日那天。感謝你們的體諒。其實,我有計劃要做捐血的活動,但是因為場地的限制只好取消這個念頭! 也許下一次再辦吧,好嗎? 會不會怕?:-)

我答應你們每年的1010我都會跟公司建議跟你們一起慶祝我的生日,好嗎? 希望到時候,我們有辦法找到更大更適合的場地來讓更多人參加! 




這不是太好了嗎??? 雖然最近一直飛來飛去我確實有覺得一點累,但是又忍不住一直很想到處跟你們見面☺記得喔…要小心安全!!!






Very unbelievable! From being a normal person just like u guys to having so many supporters from countries around the globe sending me good wishes and celebrating my birthday with me… It’s like WOW… what a big day for me and I believe my mother would be so happy for me except that I know she wouldn’t want me to work under this kind of pressure! Anyway, I think it is absolutely ok for me because she has really taught me well on how to be independent and how to take super good care of myself. 

Without you guys, I wouldn’t have the motivation/confidence at all! I think the path in my showbiz career have been very lucky ever since but I also cannot deny that I have put 200% focus and hard work to every bits and pieces of what I have done! Well, I believe I will keep improving coz you guys have given me courage and confidence to gain new experiences. I love experiencing new things in life and I believe I will have the opportunities to try different things in the showbiz in the coming future…I might not be perfect at first but I believe every 1st timers should be spared for their mistakes so they will grow and get better and better. Most importantly, I am very fortunate for the chances given by so many of you and I know you guys have supported and encouraged all these while! Vice versa, you guys have my support and encouragement too, ok! I hope this feeling will go on and on… :-) 

My birthday celebration… 

Actually, I was the one who suggested to my Company about the birthday function few months ago and coincidentally proposed this idea to my Company too. And with the help from so many fan clubs, my company eventually agreed on it, which really was GOOD news to me. Too bad the preparation time was limited and only few venue options available! 

But still, I would like to give my most sincere appreciation to my Company, organizers and all of you for making my birthday celebration a huge success! It has given me the opportunity to get to know you guys better, see so many familiar faces again, to have the chance to meet many of you whom I only knew by your names back then and most importantly, having good times with you all. Although many could not turn up, I still feel the warm wishes and birthday greetings from so many of you around the world who have sent in birthday cards or left messages in my blog…Thank you so much! 

Also, as I mentioned before, I do know the joy of giving gifts to someone we admire… to me, MJ is an example J Well, I only accept gifts once a year and that's during my birthday and WOW… 12 big boxes this year… This is too exaggerating, isn’t it! Loads of very meaningful gifts: Video Greetings, Charity Works, DIY gifts, meaningful Cards, etc… All really really touching! Can u guys believe I actually manage to arrange and tidy up all the gifts on the night of my birthday itself? I just couldn’t wait to see them… Of course, it’s not like as if I am a kid who is anxious to see if there’s anything I like but what I was after was the joy of seeing every gift…I even carry some to Beijing :-) 

Honestly, I am also very happy that all of you did try your best to do charities and even if you did not contribute much, at least you guys have the heart to make this world a better place to live in! Actually, I felt bad that there were charity donations during my birthday but I have always wanted to have one and since I did not know when I could have the chance to do so, I decided I might as well grab hold of this opportunity during my birthday itself. I want to thank all of you and hope you guys understand too. Actually, I have also planned for blood donation but due to venue constraints, it was called off! Maybe next time, ok :-) 

I promise I will try my best to have my 1010 birthday celebrations with you guys every year, ok? Hopefully, with advanced planning, we are able to find a bigger venue next year so more people can be accommodated! 

Lastly, GOOD news…Good news!!! 

Fahrenheit will be going to Macau on the 26th and Singapore on the 27th. 

Romantic Princess has a promotional activity in Jakarta, Indonesia on the 2nd of Nov!!! 

Isn’t that great??? Although I am really tired from traveling recently, but I really can’t wait to meet up with u guys J Remember…Stay safe, have fun and see u guys soon!!! 

Quote to share: - 

“If there is anything better than being loved, it is loving” 

So remember, Open your heart and be generous in giving out love to your surroundings!



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