Remember what day is today? Yes, it’s my mother’s 9 years death anniversary… Don’t worry, I’m not sad :-) My mother would not want to see me sad if she is still alive… She would wanna to see me STRONG and WELL!!!

Thinking back of all the memories, I could remember how she influenced me in so many many ways which made me the GKC i am today…要有一個寬容的心,要珍惜現在所擁有的,要懂得感謝,要滿足 and so many more…

Honestly, I am glad of who I am today, I’m a happy person and i will continue to be a better person! All these while, I’ve been trying my best to to be an artist, an idol or a role model hoping people would support me not only because of my looks… I’m a hard worker who cherish life a lot! Always try to be a better person is life’s long process and I love this challenges because this is what i want in life. It’s such a coincidence that I am an artist so I could influence some people but I’m not doing all these just because I am an artist… I’m doing all these because this is what my parents taught me to become and i enjoy that :-)

Unfortunately, I could not spend this special day with my family… As an artist, i know I have to lose some and gain some! I understand that and i know i need to make such sacrifices worthwhile and that’s why I’ve got to make this day a very meaningful day :-)

And guess what? I will be spending this day with people who are of importance to me in my showbiz career :-) My angels and of course, Fahrenheit and we really had FUN today!

Fahrenheit played a big role in my showbiz career…

When i think back about all the memories, its really touching and unbelievable! I admit we may not be the best pals but there is truly something special between us and that special something is FOREVER!

U know what… The decision of whether or not to renew my recording contract took me 2 years to decide. It was really a super hard decision to make but I told myself sooner or later, I would still need to make the decision and unfortunately at the end, I declined it!

One of the big main reasons is because my family is in Brunei… After 6 years in showbiz, I’ve learnt a lot and got to know myself much better! In my life, I’ve always made priorities with what I do and after being such a career-minded artist for 6 years, i realised its now time for me to spent more time with my family! Honestly,I really hate t o do things halfway as I don’t have enough time and I know at the end of the day I will be unhappy and stressed with a working environment like that so I decided to make a CHANGE!!!

Thus, 3 options for me…

If you want me to focus on FRH and stop filming, i can’t do it!

If you want me to focus on filming and FRH, How about my family? I really sacrificed too much time during the past 6 years and this has to stop!

If you want me to focus on both but skip some of FRH activities to spend some time with my family, it will be very unfair to my brothers and I wont be happy as well!

Thus, I finally decided to just focus on filming and spending more time in Brunei which I hope everyone could understand!

Whatever HIM decides in the future, there is no right or wrong because everyone has their own way of thinking and they need to protect what truly belongs to them.

Honestly, seeing 4 of us together might be more difficult in the future but I will always remember that once there were 4 hardworking guys who made FRH HAPPEN and I continue to hope they will shine in whatever they do :-)

Another promise from me… I will try my best to request for opportunities to perform together. I don’t care if it’s FRH + Wu Chun or FRH! To me, it’s the performance of 4 of us! Hey, I still do believe FRH concert doesn’t just end in Taiwan 2010, OK :-)

 Quote to share

“Family life is the source of the greatest human happiness. This happiness is the simplest and least costly kind, and it cannot be purchased with money. But it can be increased if we do two things: if we recognize and uphold the essential values of family life and if we get and keep control of the process of social change so as to make it give us what is needed to make family life perform its essential functions.”

Robert J. Havighurst




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