
Fitness Zone introduces new revolutionary exercise

吳尊和敘利亞籍教練一同示範新引進的 Suspension Trainer
By James Kon

永遠走在健身前端更新器材的Fitness Zone, 已經訓練好教練來提供最新的Suspension Trainer (懸吊訓練器)

這項由美國研發的全新利器可輕鬆鍛鍊 力氣、強壯度、彈性、平衡性、流動性和預防受傷。跟據IDEA 2010年的問卷調查,這項設施已被大量使用並獲得使用者的好評與青睞。


Thamer Al Johari, the strongman from Syria trying out the TRX® Suspension Trainer with Wu Chun. - JAMES KON

Always on the move to upgrade its services to bring in new form of healthy exercise for its members, Fitness Zone has trained its young instructors to teach the currently popular fitness exercise TRX® Suspension Trainer.

Born in the US Navy SEALS and developed by Fitness Anywhere®, Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise. Easily set up the portable TRX® Suspension Trainer™, it can safely perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries.

Wu Chun, the owner of Fitness Zone was on hand to showcase the basic move of TRX® Suspension Trainer.

Fifteen years ago, Navy SEAL Squadron Commander Randy Hetrick sat tinkering with discarded parachute materials with the goal of creating a device that would provide the SEAL teams with a way to stay in peak condition while stashed away in a hideout.

The recent release of statistics from IDEA's 2010 annual survey for the personal training industry revealed that Suspension Training® bodyweight exercise - the method of training, literally created by Hetrick and his company Fitness Anywhere's revolutionary TRX® Suspension Trainer™ - is now one of the fastest-growing training methods in the industry. Just as Hetrick originally envisioned, Suspension Training bodyweight exercise has transformed elite athletic training, military fitness training and mainstream personal fitness training, as evidenced by these compelling industry statistics.

Developed by Fitness Anywhere, Suspension Training® is a proprietary exercise modality that simultaneously builds strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. It requires the use of the TRX® Suspension Trainer™, a highly compact performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user's body weight to enable hundreds of exercises for every fitness goal.



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