


我們用了前兩天來拍廣告然後接下來兩天我留下繼續拍攝! 整個行程,我總共只睡了12小時,而且我的熊貓眼明顯到戶外拍攝的時候,我都沒辦法張開眼睛…哈哈! 這真的很辛苦但是也很好笑! 前2天有我的3個好兄弟陪伴我,這真的是已經很久我們沒有這樣長時間這樣一起一邊工作一邊玩樂了…感覺真好:-)

行程的最後兩天,除了累,其實我也覺得很興奮因為我們去了很多旅遊景點! 雖然我的3個兄弟沒有跟我一起,但是有很多支持我的人一路跟著我們,給了我力量和快樂。其實我覺得你們要陪我們是OK的但一定要知道什麼事情是可以做,什麼事情不可以做就好了。我知道你們花了很多錢,所以最重要的是可以看到你們開心和享受美好的時光,不然我就不希望你們這樣跟著我們因為會感到不好受和自責,知道嗎?

還有還有 ,我要跟那些購買我代言的Nikken小林眼鏡的人說大大的感謝。我很開心聽到一些消息說很多小林眼鏡店都已經賣到斷貨了…哈哈!

這個月底,我就要去MEDAN開我們小型的演唱會啦! 這是我第一次去那邊,我期待可以在MEDAN跟喜歡我們的支持者見面啦…好期待!!!

最近,我都有聽到一些批評有關一些出席我們活動的歌迷的態度 - 我不確定事實是怎樣,但是我覺得不管怎樣還是要有一點保留啦 - 不要隨意批評別人…要對自己的安全和別人的安全負責任…不要八卦其他藝人的是非…還有要記得遵守規則喔,好嗎﹖我真的會為你們感到驕傲如果你們都能做到,而且我相信你們是可以做到的!

最後,想跟大家分享一下! 記得我還小的時候,我媽媽常常跟我說要多做慈善,而她也常常用我或哥哥還是姐姐的名義去捐錢幫助需要幫助的人。她也是世界展望會的貧窮的小孩的支持者! 她過世以後,我們3個也代替她繼續她的精神去幫助那些小孩。我覺得可以幫助需要幫助的人真的是很棒的事, 不是嗎?

這個世界上有太多慈善團體了就像世界展望會,紅十字學會,等等,我們也可以很容意的通過上網來幫這些人。如果我們有能力負擔,為什麼不做呢? 其實也不一定是捐錢,捐舊衣,捐血,等等,都是一種幫助他們的方式。所以其實你們如果有機會的話可以組團發起這種活動,這不是很有意義嗎﹖



English version

Went to Kenting last week…

Well, the 4 days there was indeed a GREAT experience for me because it’s always fun for me to work in a place where I’ve never been to!

We spent the first 2 days shooting our new Ad and the remaining 2 days, I stayed back taking pics! Throughout the trip, I only slept for a total of 12 hours in 4 days and my panda eyes got so obvious that I could hardly open them during outdoor shots… haha! It was really tough but still fun! For the first 2 days, my 3 brothers accompanied me and it has been such a long time we had so much fun together :-) 

During the last 2 days for the trip, despite being so tired, I was still feeling great coz we went to many nice tourist spots where I took many pics! Though my 3 brothers were not with me, there were many supporters following us wherever we went and these people really gave me full of energy and happiness. Actually, it’s ok for you guys to follow us around as long as you know what should and should not be done… nothing else matters! Most importantly, I know you guys spent a lot of money so I wish to see all of you enjoying yourselves and have a great time too or else I will feel uneasy and guilty, ok?

Also, a BIG thank you to many of you who’ve bought the Nikken glasses that I endorse and I’m glad to know that it’s out of stock at most Kobayashi stores now… haha!

At the end of this month, we’ll be going to Medan for our mini concert! This is my first time going there and again, I’m really glad to have the opportunity to meet all of our supporters from Medan and also those who flew in from other countries… Excited!!!

Recently, I came to know about the complaints of the attitude of some supporters who joined our activities – I’m not sure whether its true or not but I think there are some limitations that we should be aware of - Never Criticize others… Be very careful with your own and everyone’s safety… Don't gossip about negative stuff of other artistes… And remember to Obey the rules and regulations, ok? I will definitely be very proud of all of you if you guys can make it and I am sure you can! 

Lastly, just wanna share something with you guys! During my teenage life, my mum used to tell me to do charities and donations if we have the opportunity to do so and she always made use of me and my siblings’ names when donating money to the poor ones. She was also a supporter for some poor children from other countries through World Vision! After she passed away, my siblings and I took her responsibility and continued supporting them and I think it’s really GREAT for us to do something for people who are really in need of our help, isn’t it?

There are many charity organizations in this world such as World Vision, Red Cross, etc and we can easily donate online. If we can afford it, why not right? It doesn't need to be money… Donating unwanted clothing, blood, etc. are ways of helping them lead a better healthier life. Maybe you guys could form a group and group-up to form a charity campaign when you guys think the time is right, ok?

Last of all, stay healthy and consume more fruits and H2O, ok? :-)

Quote to share:
Do good things whenever the  opportunity comes. When the opportunity is gone, try as we may but it might be too late.



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