我已經有3年的時間沒有去馬來西亞了,但是這次是我當藝人後第一次到馬來西亞。雖然沒有之前的那種自由,但是從我抵達機場到我離開的最後那一刻,我還是非常享受整個過程! 在這國家看到各種族的人讓我覺得很棒,也讓我有種回到汶萊的感覺。

真的被被嚇到了☺ 這一趟馬來西亞之旅,我也感到非常開心﹐很驚喜,也很感動! 我從來沒有想過會有那麼多人來參加我們的活動。當我聽說馬來西亞已經很久沒有出現過那麼多人潮的簽唱會的時候,我的心裡是非常感動的!

其實還沒來到馬來西亞之前,我比較少聽見馬來西亞的人對我的反應…是有但並不多!可能因為花樣還沒在馬來西亞播出,所以我必須承認其實我有一點擔心會來參加我們活動的人數,但是事實證明我真的想太多了☺ 除此之外,我也很開心看到許多鄰國的支持者也來了…我要跟你們說一聲最大的感謝,辛苦大家了!

我相信你們,包括工作人員,在整個活動上,因為天氣那麼熱,場地又那麼擁擠,一定會覺得很辛苦。我可以想像到你們有多辛苦! 唉! 我也不知道可以怎樣﹖對每個人來說一定很累,但是我真的希望我有做好我的本份,讓每個人都有美好的回憶和時光! 

最後, 雖然我們之間有小小的距離,我真的希望可以再次去馬來西亞跟大家見面啦,好嗎﹖﹖﹖



It has been 3 years since my last trip to Malaysia but it was my first time going there as an Artiste. Although I didn’t have the freedom like before, I totally enjoyed the feeling from the moment I arrived at the airport till departure! It is so wonderful to see so many people of different race as it really made me feel like home (Brunei). 

It was totally shocking for me… I’m really happy, surprised and touched during this trip to Malaysia! I never imagined that so many people would turn up at our activity… When I heard that it’s been a long time Malaysia merely has autograph signing activities with this kind of crowd, it really touched my heart!

Actually prior to going to Malaysia, I seldom get many response from supporters in Malaysia as Hanakimi hasn't been broadcasted there yet so I have to admit that I was a bit worried there wouldn’t be a big crowd during this activity but I guess I really think too much! J Besides that, I’m glad to see many supporters from neighboring countries too... My utmost sincere gratitude to all of you!

I believe all of you including the crew must have a hard time during the activity due to the hot weather and the venue being so packed… I can imagine how uncomfortable it was! Sigh… What can I say? It must be very tough for everyone but I really hope I did do my part to make sure you guys had a great time filled with great memories! 

Lastly, Although we are miles apart, I really hope to visit Malaysia very soon to meet you guys again, OK???

Quote to share: -
He who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything!

Chun says, “Stay healthy and keep your hope ALIVE!”

Lots of love,



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