

  新快報訊(記者 管瑜)最近吳尊一直在爲他最新代言的護膚品牌在各大城市做巡迴宣傳,北京、深圳……所到處都能見到粉絲奔相走告的熱鬧場面。前天下午,吳尊來到廣州,與記者見面時,他大方地談起與他合作過或傳緋聞的女拍檔,他大贊與他合作的女孩都皮膚好好,保養得當。吳尊更對記者表示,他從小羡慕英雄,希望能出演保鏢的角色,威武一把。


  吳尊前天在廣州,主動和記者提到S.H.E 的ELLA這位跟他傳過緋聞的同門師姐。吳尊大方承認ELLA是他圈內最要好的朋友之一,還聲言要把自己代言的旁氏産品推薦給她。性格大大咧咧的ELLA在圈內男性好友非常多,但吳尊對她的偏愛和照顧可見非同一般。



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Remember where I was and what I did back in June 2008? 

What about June 2009? 

And now, it's June 2010! 

If you guys can remember, you must be surprised that every June for 3 consecutive years, I've been filming in China! :-) 

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那幾天S.H.E上完娛,  真的很精采喔!

節目:2010-04-18 完全娛樂 專訪SHERO

ELLA的對象要有正當職業,無不良嗜好,孝順,要有幽默感...還有~ 不要過胖 

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Finally, a well deserved break for me during the CNY :-) 


Yeah... been busy most of the time esp. during the last quarter of year 2009, I thought I deserved a long break in 2010 and that was it!!! 

Fitness Zone needed me, my family needed me and GKC needed Wu Chun coz GKC has got huge responsibilities in Brunei! 

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Happy Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CAI and 紅包拿來... hahaa! 

Woo Hoooo... It‘s my favourite time of the year again because it’s Chinese New Year :-) 

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時報周刊  Vol.1667 

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   Words are hard to describe this tragic event!
To the rest of the world - this is another wake up call for us... It's really frustrating and how can mother nature do this to us again and again?

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   Around this time of the year as always, I would look at what I have done throughout the year, hoping that I have lived an 'EXPANSIVE'life... One that would expand my horizons and had live 2009 with full of worthiness!

Did I?

Well, I guess I did live 2009 without much regrets!

I've visited uncountable number of cities that gave chance to visit you guys...

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It has been quite some time since I watched a movie with my dad... 

MJ's 'This is it!' has always been in my 'must-do' list and I am glad to have watched in during Halloween's night :-) 

The theater was fully packed and I could feel everyone's excitement for MJ's final show! 

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